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Posts posted by Michae52

  1. This morning when I woke up and went into the computer room I noticed that the tank was so cloudy that you could not see thru it. Everything was just fine last night except I noticed that some green feather calupra runners were turning white. A sign that the plant is getting ready to go sexual. Everything in the tank seemed alright, fish swimming inverts and corals opened maybe not as large as normal, but alright. It is widely suggested to do massive water changes when this happens to remove the spores that have been released into the water by the plants. Also, literature states that most if not all the NO3 and PO4 will be re-released back into the water which the plant had absorbed while still alive. I removed the dead parts of the algae and did a water test. No NO3, PO4 less than .25 and Ph down a little to 8.0. In other words even thought the tank looked terrible it was actually alright except for the water color. No water change required here. No Big Deal. Learn the Biology and Chemistry and your halfway there to becoming a rocket scientist.


    As the morning is going along all of the featherdusters and rock anenomes seem like they are actively feeding. I wonder if there is any nutritonal value in calurepa spores.



  2. Well, my version of the backreef/lagoon tank is done. This would an small outcrop of reef material on the leeward side of the reef. An area of calmer water flow. Some would call it an outcrop in a seagrass meadow. The macro algaes are all doing fine and the tank has been stable for a few weeks now. There are nine different types of macro's and assorted inverts. As far as the fish load there are 4 Bangaii Cardnial fish, 2 Orange firefish, 3 Scissortail gobies, and 2 Zebra Bar gobies. I am using 2 water circulation pumps ,a thin argonite sandbed with a small CUC crew , about 30-35 lbs of very porous liverock for filtration. I have a HOB protein skimmer that I use a couple of days a week as a safety measure. There is about 2-3 lbs of actual organic living organisms in the tank. Parameters as of today are:

    NO3 0.0

    PO4 <.25

    Ca 500

    dK 12

    PH 8.2

    Just have to sit back and let everything grow out. Thank you Patrick and Kim P. Off to the next tank A planted Discus.



  3. Patrick I guess I am going to have to buy a controller to run my 40 gal Lagoon tank. For those huge ph and temperature swings. Need one to keep the circulation pumps going and turn my lights on and off. Wait a minute I have a little mechanical timer for that. A doser for the capful of liquid iron every week for the macro's. Do they make probes for PO4,NO3,Ca,DK, so that those items can be attended to. I must have missed the boat. I thought this was an interactive hobby, my mistake.

  4. Well alittle update on the lagoon. I have added a couple of more inverts thanks to Kim P. Adding alittle more color. I purchase three Bangaii cardinals and added them to the tank with full intentions of breeding them. Well I have lucked out again and I have a pair. They swim together and have taken over a cave in the live rock for there home. They are both eating well, and go crazy for Rods food. Now I just have to wait and see what happens. I know that they are suppose to be easy to breed, but from alot of reading that I have done, it's hard to keep the wild caught fish alive for more than a few weeks. luckyheo great looking little clowns. If you would like to sale a couple out of the next batch, I have a very nice home that they can come to.

  5. I use 70 percent seawater and 30 percent H2O2. You can dip for a minute or if you are worried about whats on the rock use a syringe at 50-50 and apply to the area. Works for me and I know that it will work on Bill's.

  6. In deep tanks you can get deodorant in them if it's too deep. Or even part of a slieve wet, which there is a small chance of putting soap in your tank water, or fabric softener. I suggest choosing a tank that you can touch the bottom standing flatfooted. Remember those two heavy pieces of live rock and having to stand on a stool to get them out. That was another reason that the sand bed was never vaccumed and the problems that caused.

  7. Does anyone know anything about the quality of the livestock at the Fish Bowl Express in Temple. I was there Monday and saw some Cardinal fish that I am thinking about buying. I ask the owner about weither or not if the fish were tank rasied or wild caught. He kept saying that they were both. Raised in pens in the wild.

  8. The Banggi will probably fight with each other especially if you have two which pair up. Just because you see 3 or 4 in a tank at the fish store doesn't mean that they will get along. Even with a 90gal they will end up in different areas of the tank. Also make sure that they are eating well. Same with the firefish, they do not belly up to the hog trough that quickly.

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