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Posts posted by (Bio)³

  1. we have lots of corals on the website as well...the farmed section is loaded...it's not just what's in this thread. Of the frags spoken for I can always make more...we frag from mother colonies that we grow out.

    I also list a new thread every week...so deliveries are normally 3 weeks of threads and the website corals. It is what it is. Not complaining...just a warning that we might not be able to continue the Austin deliveries at this rate.

    Perhaps instead of ending them you could do a group order type deal where the delivery wont happen unless "X" amount dollar is reached... Then also set it on a time scale, quarterly or every other month, something to that effect. This way if someone wants a coral but doesn't want to pay for shipping they can either try and get a group deal started (the work is on them not you to get the group order in). Once the order is met they can place the order with a pre-payment and wait for the scheduled day. This way there is no time wasted trying to plan all the schedules together, they will just plan on that date for the group orders....

    Just an idea to try and help! If you have to stop then you have to stop but if you could work out a new way it might end up being more profitable for you since there is less time invested on your end and less trips made cutting your wear/tear and gas prices way down.

    GLWS you have beautiful coral, I'm in the building stage or I would already have been in on some trips. I hope the deliveries will still be going when I'm in my stocking stage.

  2. Found this 10 gallon aquarium and was going to use it for a temp sump in my stand but it wont fit. I would like to trade it for a 5 gallon aquarium or anything related to salt water tanks to keep my hobby moving along.

    I also have blue gravel that was in the aquarium, if we trade tanks you can take the gravel for free. If you just want the gravel make me an offer or trade!


  3. Sent a PM to an administrator that I saw online and they haven't read the PM but have been online since I sent the PM.... Wondering how this site stays alive since no one can even donate when they want to. Never thought I'd have to beg people to take cash in this economy.... Guess I wont be premium and get my discounts at local stores.... I'll just get someone else to buy them for me.

  4. In the OP he said he won't be available until 6 pm after he signs his paperwork. also if you go to your PM and look towards the left upper section of the screen it will show who all is involved in the PM and the last time they have read the pm. According to the one I sent at 8 AM he has not read it yet.

  5. Also, if anyone has any input on aquascaping please post! I'm still undecided about sand color and texture and other tidbits. I currently have 2 false clowns that will be going into the tank along with 2 snails and a pep shrimp. Looking to put a goby/pistol pair into the display and then look for something interesting/fun that wouldn't be saffe up top to go into the sump.

    Any input helps, I like to hear ideas!

  6. Got a picture of how it will be sitting for the next few days while I wait to get glass and my LEDs built.

    I have also decided that I will take the PC bulb setup and put it below over my 13 gallon custom sump. I have some new bulbs I bought off ARC for $10 each so that will give me a good starting point until I can get LEDs under there one day. Having alot of fun with this so far and the cube cleaned up real nice after a vinegar wipe down.


  7. I typed the with no dash and it for sure isnt where you want to be.

    On the good hand, I couldn't sleep last night and since the tank was drilled I decided to bring the stand and empty tank into the living room and set it up. On monday I'll be calling around and getting glass cut. Tuesday building the sump and then doing a leak test. Hoping by Thursday/Friday I can have saltwater running through the system and start tossing a little bit of live rock in to start cycling. While that all happens I'll build my LED retrofit kit and get it all set and onto the tank.

    Saving for the RKE now so I can eventually have auto water changes and control of the tank with my iphone, as much as possible atleast.

  8. Today was the day! I drilled my holes and installed my bulk heads. Also sent a request to get a quote for my sump glass to be cut. Was super easy to cut the holes and I'm glad I did it myself, saved me money and now I have the tools to cut more tanks when I need to. One step closer!!shifty.gif






  9. Alright so yesterday on lunch I was going to drill a window pane to test out my glass drilling skills...... 30 seconds into drilling I stopped to check the hole and while looking at the window not drilling it decided to go into a million pieces. Turned out to be tempered, that was enough to make me not wanna drill my tank that day. Today I'm gonna see if H.I wants to drill any of his small tanks for practice before I drill my BC....

    getting closer though!

  10. I'm posting this for a friend, they are looking for a Bowfront to do saltwater in. Something around 50 gallons can be a little more but not much less. Please PM me with what you have, pictures will help as well as any known scratches.


  11. Alright no new orders have come in so I will not be at the drop off site. Any orders placed will be going into a future drop off. Going to take my girl to the movies!

    Hope every ones corals are doing fine!

  12. ahhhhhhhh greatest deal/buy ever~! all of the zoa's are bright and opened... and easily.. EASILY over 50 eye's of rah haha. Thanks for the corals and the sunburst monti looks beautiful~!

    Glad you liked your hook up on the eye of rah!! Hope you enjoy them all!

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