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Posts posted by Mindflux

  1. Not sure but you may find that it take more glue than you expected. Good rock is very porous. But then again, I don't know the constitency of the glue. . . so I could be flat wrong!

    Just something to think about.


    Dave, I generally go "overboard" and buy things in as much "bulk" quantity as I can afford when it comes to consumable items. Though I just can't see myself using 10oz of glue in 2 years on a 34 gallon tank. I could be entirely wrong of course..

    Just throwing the option out there for other people that may want to try this glue but also don't think they need 10oz.

  2. I was considering getting some of this to glue my LR together and to deal with frags (when that time comes), but to be honest what am I going to use 10 freakin ounces of glue on? It's got a 2 year shelf life.

    Does anyone think it would be feasible to get some small bottles from a craft store to split up the original bottle? Would anyone be interested in 2 ounce bottles? The price for 10 oz (9.97 really) is $50. So if I split the bottle 2oz would run $10 plus whatever the container cost me. (So lets say $12 at most). You may think $12 is expensive for 2 oz of glue, but even the BRS Gel Superglue (which I just bought) cost me over $5 for an ounce. So if this stuff sets up quicker than your typical superglue.. it's not too badly priced.

    If there's no interest, perhaps one other person would like to do a 50/50 split... like I said I'll never use 10oz. (sure, I say that now.. anyway)

    If you are unsure what I'm talking about:


    Also our own mcallahan has done a review of it on his Mr. SaltwaterTank TV. It seems pretty darn impressive, especially the fact you can apply it under water. You can see his review here: http://www.youtube.com/mrsaltwatertank#p/a/u/0/nmjqpJzZkd0

  3. Im using a 4 stage spectrapure RO/DI unit since day one. Im thinking there is something in the water here in RR....Grrr. In killeen the water was no where near as hard but the pressure was far better there. I can pull a rock out, and scrub it with an old tooth brush and this green will not come off, its like the rock itself has turned green. Also, there is some of the larger granules of my sand that have turned green. I dont mind it so much, just want to make sure there isnt something weird going on that I need to get under control.

    On that last rock, there was some cyano on both sides of that pic. Thats gone now, just green green everywhere.


    RR water has Chloramines in it in a LOT of places. You might need to either add something like Seachem Prime to neutralize the chloramines or get a chloramine filter for your RODI unit. I'm not sure this would be causing your symptoms.. but I'd think it wouldn't be doing anything beneficial for you.

  4. I soak myfood in garlic xtreme, but I wonder if I'm doing it wrong. I take a chunk of frozen home made food and put it in a glass of tank water to defrost. I put a couple of dropsnot the garlic in the glass while it's defrosting, then when it's all broke up (usually a couple of minutes) I use a turkey Baster to feed with. You see anything wrong with how I do it?

    I usually put it in small cup, put in some tank water to cover the food, add 3 drops of garlic, and 3 drops of Zoe and then I let it sit overnight or until the end of the day.

    I'd be worried about evaporation or fatty acids spoiling from temperature to wait that long.. but that's just my paranoia kicking in.

  5. I would raise hell about it with USPS or have John raise hell. You paid for express mail and got SH1T.

    so much anger all the time.... simma donna

    SIMMA DONNA! That SNL skit is fantastic.

    I'm not angry all the time. :P

  6. Day #2 of no death. Guppies went back to Petco. They don't seem to do well in my tank at present.

    Replaced the dead danio with another danio. Back up to 4 fish in the tank, which is "par" for what I started with.

  7. Right now I am using softened water for the RODI system. I am on Manville Water since I am technically in the county with a RR address. The softener is over 10 years old so I am going to change the resin bed.


    I used to be on Manville water when I lived in Pflugerville. I don't remember it being all that bad, didn't have a softener either. I used that water for beer brewing for 3 years!

  8. I am not sure to be honest, but that is one thing I intend on testing. Also, I got some numbers confused on my earlier post. My hardness is 16 and TDS is 565 pre softerner and hardness 2 and 265 TDS post softener.

    just for reference:

    Since my softener was a retrofit after the house was built, _EVERY_ faucet (internal or external) goes through my softener. Perhaps that's why I'm not seeing the resin use you are. (We're in the same city presumably on the same water supply)... also I'd think water passing through the softener resin bed would act as a pretty good CO2 degasser (just through running through resin).

  9. I'm still ordering, just waiting for refractometers. wa1tx needs some stuff too and I may end up ordering for him.

    Any ETA on those? I'm probs gonna end up ordering this weekend or early next week, although I could wait because the GB pricing only saves me like a buck on rocks...doh.gif

    I was told end of this week. I'll be ordering on 5/9 at the LATEST. Though at the moment I'm still under the free shipping cost. I need to check with wa1tx to see if he wants to piggyback the order and hopefully we can get above $175.

  10. You could, but you still gotta pay shipping. Each person in the GB is required to get to $175 if they aren't all shipping to the same address.

    Well I'm officially on the GB list there...better than nothing since I guess interest here is dead.

    I'm still ordering, just waiting for refractometers. wa1tx needs some stuff too and I may end up ordering for him.

  11. Thanks. I'll check out Stability but I'm not interested in an air stone. They don't do much more than anything else causing surface agitation and I've already got something doing that. (HOB Filter). Air stones don't "inject" enough air into the water to make a difference.

    I sent the two replacement guppies back to PetCo today. One started acting like it was on a downward spiral so I just cut my losses and took them back and now have a smaller bioload again.

    save your self some headache and add some stability made by seachem! its to help your tank cycle. do a weekly water change of 15% every week. don't do more or less often or in amount of water. add some aquarium salt make sure you have a bubble stone. you added more bio load and you feeding more! so you having an ammonia and prolly a nitrite spike. go buy you self a freshwater master test kit. and monitor you water parameters if your serious about keep you live stock alive. you prolly will lose a fish or to during cycling! its just part of the game to getting you water where it need to be, where you ammonia and nitrites and converted over to nitrates and then you can start adding more live stock! but if i sound like a commercial! stability by secheam saved my interest in the hobby when i was about to quit!

  12. I would probably agree with the sick fish as well then. Guppies, platy's, goldfish, and some of the other cheaper high-turnover fish commonly have diseases. Fish stores are pretty good at removing dead ones which makes the tanks look good, but makes it hard to determine if there are going to be problems once you purchase them.

    I would probably give it some time. Also, if you're concerned about the other fish, you can up the temp. If they are sick, the disease or pathogen will metabolize much quicker so you can recognize and treat quicker. Higher temp will also boost their metabolism and they can fight it off better.

    I would also get a test kit of some kind as well. You should definitely have one for the SW tank. Even some cheap test strips will give you an idea if some parameter is way off.

    Don't get discouraged at loosing a few fish in the beginning. It's unfortunate, but it does happen. Just keep taking it slow and everything should work out in time.

    Ok, I turned the heater up "one click". It was dead center and my thermo read 76 most of the time so this should bring it up a little. Tomorrow I'll bring it up again until I see 80. I don't know if I'll want to go any higher then that.

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