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Everything posted by Mindflux

  1. No. It's brown or yellow maybe. I've Seen stuff about fire blasting aiptasia before so I think I know what you are talking about.
  2. They're real fine almost tree like. They come up off the LR very easily with some brushing (toothbrush).. or pulling at them.
  3. What is this stuff? I'm already having to deal with a GHA outbreak that I didn't kill off with 2 WEEKS of darkness.
  4. We have a family emergency and I need to leave town. Can anyone care for my clown pair while I'm away? They are coming in on this order. If not, Mark can you remove them from the order first thing Monday AM?
  5. I am interested in.. something. You're in Round Rock as am I which makes meeting up with you to buy easy. Unfortunately I have no idea what most of that stuff is.... so I'm not sure what I'd be buying. I am not ready for any SPS, so softies/LPS mostly. Google Images for Whammin Watermelon Zoa looks like something I'd enjoy.
  6. Austin Home Brew moved up to 183 behind the pep boys. I used to fill mine (for brewing) at Airgas. They could give me a complete fill where AHB couldn't.
  7. Put my MP10 in last night and tuned a nice wave into the short pulse mode... looks great. Problem is I put it into night mode when I went to sleep and when it came out of night mode this morning and back into my preferred program the wave wasn't anything like what it was last night. Not sure how that happened. The strength I set and the length of the pulse I set were still programmed in, it just wasn't making the same wave.
  8. After a while your "edit" time falls off. You can fix that by becoming a supporting ARC member. You can then edit your posts to your hearts desire.
  9. I wasn't aware we were dibbing on stuff. doh.
  10. Any particular reason for that line of thought? I think it's pretty nice actually. Hell I bought some FW fish at Aquatek this weekend and they don't guarantee them, PERIOD. I've already had one die (this morning)... so I may have well have put $3 in my shredder as far as I see it. With Petco I could have taken the poor corpse in for exchange/refund. Poor little tetra i say this because i had a hard time returning my pseudochromis because he terrorized and nearly killed everything in my tank, but their "policy" was no returns on saltwater fish because they are not guaranteed to survive acclimation. i stated that in the nicest way possible. (this also was an impulse buy. he was so pretty though lol) i'm glad they helped you out. Ah! Well I've only purchased 1 SW fish so far, a Blue/Green Chromis from Petco (thanks to Patrick M above). He's doing well thus far, just on day #3 in my tank. He's eating well and has found a nook he likes to back into when the lights go out. I guess I didn't look at the fine print on marine life and just assumed it was the same as the FW policy (30 day guarantee). Hope I never have to deal with a fish dying from acclimation, that's just a drag.
  11. Right, I Know. I just want to know why that is? What makes a FW fish return OK (at some places) but not a SW fish return? Generally it is explained as the cost and difficulty in acclimating SW fish and critters. It requires much more expertise than FW acclimation, and you can quickly kill several expensive fish and the store is stuck footing the bill. This is one of the things that makes my Aquadome fish club membership worthwhile, they have a 50% of purchase price on SW purchases for I think 14 days. Sure they're expensive and require special acclimation. (or can).. but footing the bill? I bet they go back to their breeders and say "this fish didn't make it" and receive compensation... I wish.. Hey I tried to respond to your pm but couldn't from my phone.. NBD. Just shoot me a PM when you get back to a computer.
  12. Right, I Know. I just want to know why that is? What makes a FW fish return OK (at some places) but not a SW fish return? Generally it is explained as the cost and difficulty in acclimating SW fish and critters. It requires much more expertise than FW acclimation, and you can quickly kill several expensive fish and the store is stuck footing the bill. This is one of the things that makes my Aquadome fish club membership worthwhile, they have a 50% of purchase price on SW purchases for I think 14 days. Sure they're expensive and require special acclimation. (or can).. but footing the bill? I bet they go back to their breeders and say "this fish didn't make it" and receive compensation...
  13. Right, I Know. I just want to know why that is? What makes a FW fish return OK (at some places) but not a SW fish return?
  14. Any particular reason for that line of thought? I think it's pretty nice actually. Hell I bought some FW fish at Aquatek this weekend and they don't guarantee them, PERIOD. I've already had one die (this morning)... so I may have well have put $3 in my shredder as far as I see it. With Petco I could have taken the poor corpse in for exchange/refund. Poor little tetra
  15. In terms of temperature, I had this same problem when the summer hit. Some good recommendations were made and I learned a little bit more about cooling - in particular how important the space where the water meets the air is for evaporation and therefore cooling. I didn't want to spend the money on a chiller either and I didn't like how fans would mess with the clean display of my tank. Instead, I used an air pump and tubing to disturb the water at the surface and increase evaporation. Since you have an ATO, you don't need to worry about too much evaporation. I bet you could place a small rigid tube in one of the back corners of your tank about an inch or two below the surface of the water. Once the air pump is turned on, all you would be able to see is the constant bubbling (rather than a ugly tube). I'm doing the same thing presently with my locline off my return pump. One of the segments off the LocLine "T" points toward the surface of the tank to agitate the water line. I did this initially to help aerate the tank more for the live rock until I got everything else running.
  16. Thanks. It looks even better now that I've cleaned the glass inside and out now. The starphire glass is really amazing.
  17. I was afraid of this. Problem is the tank (without a light) was staying at between 78 and 80 depending on the temperature of the house. That's with my Eheim Jager thermostat set at 74/75. So I'm not sure where the excess heat is coming from other then the recirc pump and skimmer pump... We keep the house at 75 when we are here and 78 when we are away, any cooler and the A/C seems to run forever and gets uncomfortable if you are in the path of a vent. When the house was at 75 the tank was typically at 78 (early morning) and by afternoon it was around 80 (when the house was at 78) without the light. It seems the light has added 2-4 degrees to the tank depending on the temperature of the house. I do have another fixture with 2x 10K HOT5's and 2 460nm Actinic HOT5s because I was worried about the MH heat, but the MH would allow me to keep pretty much anything I wanted where the T5 lights might not.
  18. Does anyone have recommended lengths to keep the MH and Actinics on? Right now The Actinics run from 8AM to 8PM and the MH from 10AM to 6PM, but when I get home around 3-4PM I usually click the MH off due to the tank being in the low 80s (82F) and not wanting to get any warmer. Which brings me to question #2. How can I keep the tank cooler? I know I could add a fan to blow across the water surface to use evaporative cooling... but I'd like to explore what else I can do before going that route (or a chiller, yeesh)
  19. Having trouble with my dual coral life light timer. The 'night/evening" timer (4 outlets) starts running slow. I set it at 8PM last night and this morning at 8AM it thought it was 6AM.. so my actinics wouldn't have come on for 2 more hours (right when my MH150 kicks on).
  20. I was just at that Petco earlier returning a Gourami that ate two of my Blue Tetras and the guy there was just saying how someone returned an anemone last night (he was talking about you) and I said "I know, I read on our local reef forum"... This wasn't Patrick though, some other guy.
  21. Shoot, my tank with working AC was at 82 last night. You're fine at 80... good luck!
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