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Posts posted by MasonHoff

  1. Well depending on how sensitive they are to fraging. i found that using bone cutters or pincher's to crack the frag plug they came on to fit the shape you need! and i use locktite superglue control gel 10sec they have 5 10, 20 (triangle, spare, but as long as it is not round) so that when Coraline grows over it, you cannot tell it was a plug! just looks like LR! but the green and Orange zoas "dragon eyes" are very sensitive to being fraged! so i was very careful not to get the pincher's or the cut to close to them at all! i hope it doesn't look too much like a plug on my LR! but it also adds a different height to the surrounding zoas. so when they all grow together in ginormous colony! the stronger strain wont over run the weaker strain. (have no idea if it'll work but just over thinking my aqua scape) will continue to post updates of growth in tank.

  2. all zoa that you see 3 polyps or less the ones i just got from hydro!

    2 fruit loops

    3 orange bam bams

    2 blue orgasams

    2 dragon eyes

    and in the mixed colony up top are radioactive dragon eyes, whammin watermelons, and eagle eyes on the right! and the 10 polyps in center are from don duncan.

    I also sold the zoa pink and brown zoa colony i had in front left of tank. and one of my baby tank raised true perculas

  3. got some pics of new zoas from hydro innovation off plugs and attached to LR!

    also added reverse superman montipora! and relocated trumpet coral for less light and less flow! (happier coral! :) ) i am going to get you guys some pic of all the diffrent birdsnest i got! they are bright and growing fast!







  4. looking really good!

    MasonHoff, here is a video from last week. I added an anemone to their tank. As you can tell they loved it, but after a few days I decided I didn't want to risk it polluting the tank and put it in the display tank with better lighting instead. I've taken more video since then, but technical difficulties and deadlines have prevented me from uploading them.

  5. So the tropic marin from RCA was 1.025 on thier instrament! alot nicer than my instant ocean hydrometer! mine registered 1.027 which is what i heard was they always ran a lil higher! but im glad you guys told me to check temp! It was 89.8 after 30 min of being home in my 70 degree house! and the water was inside my truck on the way home! that would have mostly likey ruined the 5 sps in my tank! (4 are seriatopora and one acro) Im so glad im OCD! j/j

    I did the same. I would like to mention that it is cheaper to get an RO/DI unit and make your own.

  6. anybody? bout to head out for water

    haha. thats a good way to test your water :) does anybody like one over the other with out throwing any one store under the bus. some told me for reefing i need to get tropic marin from RCA

    I agree with Kim. I did however buy my saltwater from RCA and Aquatek before making my own. Just make sure you check the parameters of each jug. A good test is to dip your finger in the water and taste it. You'll know right away if you have salt water or ro water.


  7. and you tank needs dark as much as it does light! so make sure those led arent running all night! maybe just two hours after and before main light!

    The red light doesn't wake/disturb the tank inhabitants, that's why people use that trick. Most moonlights for a tank that size are only 2-3 LEDs, 12 might be kind of bright - more like a dawn/dusk setting than a moonlight.

  8. im sure it could work make sure by testing the plastic. making sure doesn't melt from the heat of the light

    Ok - so I've heard of people putting red cellophane over their flashlight at night to look in on the tank. Does this change the color of the light - the spectrum or wavelength? I don't know a lot about this type of thing, but I had a thought come to me regarding my new fluval chi. Can I wrap blue cellophane over the 12 small LEDs included with the stock tank and get the blue moonlight effect of blue leds?

  9. haha. thats a good way to test your water :) does anybody like one over the other with out throwing any one store under the bus. some told me for reefing i need to get tropic marin from RCA

    I agree with Kim. I did however buy my saltwater from RCA and Aquatek before making my own. Just make sure you check the parameters of each jug. A good test is to dip your finger in the water and taste it. You'll know right away if you have salt water or ro water.


  10. bump

    any updates?

    I am Drooling at the opportunity to get a platinum baby!

    You are welcome. Yip, even when I don't feel like doing it I have to do the chore list. And the house sometimes looks like a mine field. Most the time it is enjoyable though and not a chore.

  11. make sure u have a bubble stone and pumps to keep the water circulated! very important!

    Ive got all the LR in buckets and rubber made tubs. Its all cleaned up but man its gonna smell. We were supposed to stay at the Lake tonight but the hotel messed up the reservation so we can home. I can only imagine what this would have looked like tomorrow.

  12. is that a nudibranch?

    "and another question i had a small black looking urchin slug. that had pointy spines running in one direction on it kinda like a porcupine! i have seen every once and a while to always near my zoas?"

    Finally got a pic

    It never hurts anything just after MH go off he comes out for a bit

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