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Posts posted by MasonHoff

  1. i still want some of those zoas! just rip a few polyps off and throw em in a bag. ill attach em to a frag rock my self

    I have several frags of sour apple seriatapora for sale ranging from $5 - $10, and a small colony for $35.

    One two inch branch frag of paletta lovelli for $15

    4 frags of ORA Hawkins Echinata $10 for the small frags and $20 for the larger

    One small frag of ORA pearlberry for $10



  2. save your self some headache and add some stability made by seachem! its to help your tank cycle. do a weekly water change of 15% every week. don't do more or less often or in amount of water. add some aquarium salt make sure you have a bubble stone. you added more bio load and you feeding more! so you having an ammonia and prolly a nitrite spike. go buy you self a freshwater master test kit. and monitor you water parameters if your serious about keep you live stock alive. you prolly will lose a fish or to during cycling! its just part of the game to getting you water where it need to be, where you ammonia and nitrites and converted over to nitrates and then you can start adding more live stock! but if i sound like a commercial! stability by secheam saved my interest in the hobby when i was about to quit!

    In some aspects saltwater is easier.

    But I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. You might have hit a bad batch of guppies from the store.

    And as for the danio, was he acting weird?

    How long has the tank been set up (might be in the other thread)? Freshwater tanks need to cycle also, and produce nitrogen cycle bacteria just like saltwater.

    Tank is 4 weeks "old", Petco said the parameters were spot on Saturday when I took some water for them to test and picked up those guppies that croaked two days later. The danio was acting normal last night when we went to bed, woke up this morning stuck to the filter tube. Perhaps he just got stuck. I have no way of knowing if he died and drifted into the tubing or died as a result of the tubing itself.

    The other fish (two mollies and a larger danio) are all acting normal I'd say. I decided on my lunch break to do a 5 gallon water change (out of 29 gallons) just in case there's something funky going on water wise.

  3. deifnatly add a bubble stone! it couldnt hurt! but petco and petmart fish arent the best! but if you give it a couple weeks you should have at least 20+ baby fry! and youll forget all about your loss!

  4. yeah i saw mr saltwater tv do a video on it! should i just take the rock out and get the algae off then, so that i dont risk popping them in my tank? and then rinsethe rock with fresh salt water?

    Well! I've nevver evver messpelled anaything in any of my possts! The purple twiggy stuff is a pretty cool coraline algae if the rest of the tank inhabitants leave it alone. I've seen tanks over run with Valonia sp. bubble algae but I've never had what I'd consider a problem with it like I have had with Xenia, Green Star Polyp or Bubble Tip Anemonies. I'm sure you'll get feedback on other ways to deal with the Bubble algae but what I do is syphon it off when I do a water change.

  5. So i have one of my three peices of live rock that have a few spots of bubble algae. what the best plan of action before i go in there and make it worse because i failed to plan? i also have had some purple twig looking growth on that same peice of live rock. what is it? and what do you recomend i do? take it out and scub it down?

    Just realized i spelled question wrong in the title!


  6. yeha im using Crushed Coral. amd he seems to enjoy the bigger pieces when he is closing up shop a lil for the night! i might be able to get some rubble a lil larger that the CC and maybe he will like that!

    Another option is to provide the shrimp with some shells to use for it's cave.

  7. and can i put epoxy on the plug then just just stick it to the LR? do i need to take that peice of LR out first before i glue the acan! cause that would suck! and what type of epoxy? i have super glue contorl gel right now

    You don't have to use a dremel, get a razor blade and cut the acan off the plug. It willl usually shear away once you put some pressure on it where it's glued. I can usually just break them off the plug with my hand alone. Something else that you can do instead it to take either coral bone cutters or electrical dykes and cut the post off the plug so that you can at least have a flat area to work with. You can then epoxy that to a rock instead of removing the plug from the coral.

    I use epoxy much more than glue inside the tank. Glue the coral to the plugs, epoxy the plugs in the tank.

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