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Posts posted by cMidd

  1. Hey dragondiver, what do you want though? SPS, softies, FOWLR, etc. that way people can give advice accordingly. If you're gonna just get one small tang and attempt to grow seaweed to feed him that is one thing but let's say you want it to be a mixed reef that is another thing completely

  2. Wow, I hand't seen the crinoid squat lobsters before. I don't want to try keeping a feather star alive. Did anything else host your squat lobster?

    Thanks for the info, I think that'll really help me plan stocking my DT.

    I'd skip maxi-carpets as they are incredibly sticky and like to eat fish. Your crustaceans would probably be fine, but I'd worry about losing your fish.

    Crinoids will host most of the same corals that your sexy's will host. Anything frilly basically.

    Totally disregarded the fact that he listed some gobies as inhabitants!! My bad, yea i'd probably stay away from the maxi's as well if that was the case. Thanks for correcting me!

  3. George, thanks for the help! Okay as to your question...it does not quite look like that Koran. It has similar "white spots" on the tail and dorsal that the tangs pictured have. They are almost becoming "frayed"?

    The body of the Koran is what is troubling me...not sure if you can tell from the pics but he has a white film or something all over. I did a 1 minute FW dip (I'm scared to do any longer lol) and it seemed to help a bit.

    He is eating like a pig and is extremely active. I just want to keep it that way.

  4. My Koran Angel (juvenile) has apparently had this "problem" for about a month (i had no idea).

    It is covered in an almost white film, it's back fin and top dorsal fin is almost deteriorating? My first thought was Ich, because of the two or three white cysts on it, but NONE of the other fish have any signs of this. So it led me to believing this was either 1) fungal or 2) bacterial infection.

    Take a look...sorry for the pic quality he would NOT sit still.

    He is still eating great, and acting normal. I have started putting garlic and KanaPlex (kanamycin) into the food.




  5. GAC should help. it looks like a green cyano or film algae. i would try to feed less mysid and more flakes / pellets until you can get a grip on the problem...maybe alternate what you feed on different days. not sure if you have tried or have any snails, but there are some snails that will go to town on it (if it is film algae).

  6. well, with a shallow tank you will get higher light intensity at the bottom of the tank, something to keep in mind.

    with a deep tank, you would need to be aware of where you place things because of PAR (obviously). I love deep tanks though....the deeper the better because you have so many more ways to do your aquascape!

  7. Yep. Tropic Marine. My hands will crack all over and it almost looks like psoriasis. Pretty bad. Since I have been using anything but that I haven't had a problem.

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