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Everything posted by jb247

  1. Have any cheato left?
  2. I've got a 55g tank and stand, hang on back Reef Octopus skimmer (rated to 90g), hang on back overflow box, 30g sump, 48" GLO lighting system with brand new white and blue actnic bulbs for sale if anyone is interested. I'm asking $300 for it all. Only thing it does not come with is the return pump. If you act fast you can keep the live sand that's in there and whatever cleaners are still in the sand obviously. It is half full of water right now and has been established for about 3 years. So if you want it like that act quick and if not I'll clean it all up for you upon payment. PM me if interested.
  3. I'm interested if you wait to order until the 11th.
  4. jb247

    My 135g Build

    I have to upload that pic next....lol but they alive and swimming and the levels are all good after today's water test!
  5. jb247

    My 135g Build

    And now I just wait to find lights....
  6. Hey guys, SO I made a rookie mistake and bought a green bubble tip anemone awhile back and I also have an Emporer Angel, apparantly I missed the page when I was researching that said the two don't go well together...lol. Since then the anemone has been attacked a bit but is doing ok. But I do need to get him out of my tank ASAP. As I don't want to take a total loss, I'm willing to trade. I'm into SPS and fish so let me know if you're interested and what you have to offer. Thanks and I hope I can get this guy a better home without taking a total loss. Like I said he is not in bad shape but with a little better living arrangement he will be just fine.
  7. Scratch that. I'm in for a bucket of Coralife.
  8. jb247

    My 135g Build

    76"x18"x24 Got the stand skinned and doors hung today, all stained to match the rest of the furniture, I'll try to post pics tomorrow. Now to figure out the lighting situation.......Talking to mcallaghan about going LED's and was just reading the DIY posts on it. Now it's just a matter of figuring out pricing for them and getting them here and up.
  9. I'm in for a bucket of Red Sea Pro
  10. Def. go to multiple stores if you're going to have them test it. I was going to one store (leave it un-named for now) and they were telling me mine were off the charts, then I went to 2 other stores (Aqua-dome being one of them) and they said I was <5 ppm. Tested myself with an api kit and I was below 5ppm.
  11. Well, We came along nicely in the build today for those of you that knew I was building the new tank. We got it all plumbed and it's running right now!! Just need to get lights, add salt, and put the rest of my hardware in and I'll be rockin' and rollin'. Thanks Mark for all the help and Prof did a GREAT job on the sump. Can't wait to get it totally done and posted. But for now, I'll post the "almost done" pics. JB
  12. jb247

    wtb sump

    Stand is 36" tall and 76" long and 18" deep
  13. Needs to be rated for a 135g or higher
  14. Doubt anyone just has one laying around they want to sell but figured it was worth a shot. I'm looking for a 72" HO T5 lighting system preferrably with lunar led's. lmk
  15. jb247

    wtb sump

    It won't fit, I think at best I could fit a 55g but even then it's pushing it as far as the height goes.
  16. I just opicked up a 135g tank, drilled, with dual megaflows. I'm working on getting the sump/fuge together and am trying to figure out if a 40g will be big enough. Somebody please help...
  17. Got the new 135g and stand is done. Now to find the sump, skimmer, and lights

  18. jb247

    wtb sump

    Want to buy a 40-50 gallon sump
  19. jb247

    Large Hermit Crabs

    I have two large hermit crabs and a pencil urchin; I got them when I got this tank and have no interest in keeping any of them. If anyone wants them, just let PM me and they're yours.
  20. The first link, already sold, the second he asing more than I really want to pay as I have seen muchg better deals. And the one on epic might just work. Thanks for your help. If anyone comes across any others, let me know thanks.
  21. Is this tank still available by any chance??
  22. jb247

    110 tank/stand

    I texted you on this last week and got no response. I'll shoot another text and hope for a response. Thanks!!
  23. Alright so update, I have them all in a seperate tank by themselves with high flow as suggested. So at this point I wait and keep an eye on water parameters. Thanks all!
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