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Posts posted by wa1tx

  1. The complaints I have heard on black sand is that it is metallic and therefore attaches to any magnet in the tank including your mag float if you have one and can then scratch the glass

  2. 46744b80-85f0-2b33.jpg

    I got this off a rock the other day. No idea what it was but it looks the same as what you posted. I knocked it off outside and left it. Next morning it was still alive. IMO, if I don't readily

    Recognize what it is and did not put it in my aquarium it comes out. Probably shortsighted but it has worked for me so far.

  3. Your welcome. The flame angel is doing great. He ate rods food last night. I introduced him to take with a coral beauty. They staked out opposite side of the tank and could care less about each other.

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