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Everything posted by adamo

  1. adamo

    New guy

    Its been a while since I last posted. The tank is doing well, except for the problem I'll address in a minute. I'm done with the recommended flow mods from nano-reef. I cut the top between chamber one and two, removed chamber one's false bottom (removed all of the sand and debris), added a media basket (with chaeto and light, chemipure, and some filter floss), and added a Koralia power head. Somehow I misplaced my thermometer for a few days and had to buy a new one this afternoon, only to discover that my water was 82*. I'm guessing that the increase was caused from the light that I'm using to grow the chaeto in chamber two. I had it running all day and night. I'm going to try running it on a timer during the day time to see if that helps keep the water temp stabilized. I had the water tested sunday and it was still cycling. Tested again today and everything checked out good. Going to see what I can do with these water temps before I start putting more life in it. I want to start with one ocellaris clown until I can prove to myself that I can keep more. Eventually want to have another black ocellaris clown and a fire shrimp. Do you guys think the clowns will get along? I still have some mature live-rock in the tank, wonder how long I should keep it in there before removing it. I fiddled with my scape for a while and debated about it before coming up with the final (well, for now) product. Ill post up some pics if I can figure it out.
  2. adamo

    New guy

    What do you think I do all day at work? I've been reading a lot on nano-reef. Learned a lot about the filtration process and types of fish I can have in my size tank. Also learned about modifications on the bio-cube to get better flow. I want to put in two Ocellaris Clownfish, hopefully that will host. Also want to get a some sort of cleaner shrimp. Gonna start slow and research everything myself before i jump on it.
  3. adamo

    New guy

    lol. Ill post some tonight when I get home. Its not too interesting at this point.
  4. adamo

    New guy

    Got the tank looking pretty good. We discovered last night that my pump had been upgraded already, some good news. Put some semi-live rock in there for the scape. The water cleared up pretty well overnight, interesting to see what the tank looks like when I get home this evening. Also ordered a power-head, media basket for the back and a little light to grow the algae .
  5. adamo

    New guy

    Haha, especially since he keeps picking out all this extra stuff that "I need". He knows his stuff though, so i probably actually do need it.
  6. adamo

    New guy

    Thanks for the welcomes! Yes, that was me.
  7. adamo

    New guy

    Hi, my name is Adam. I'm new to the hobby. I got inspired to start by my friend Will, who is also a member here. I'm just starting my tank and can't wait to get it going. Look forward to getting advice and perspective from all of you! Adam
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