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Everything posted by adamo

  1. adamo

    New guy

    It's been a while since I updated everyone. After a few weeks of things going wrong and having big temperature fluctuations I have been putting in a lot more effort with my tank. It all started when i "upgraded" my fans and bulbs. I went with PC-R bulbs as they are better at producing light the regular PC's at a comparable price without having to do massive upgrades. Things looked good. The fans came in a few days later and i replaced the stock ones with. It took me a while to figure out that the temperature was causing the issue. I kept checking my water and doing 15% water changes and everything was consistently fine. The temperature outside had been fluctuating so much that my air conditioner couldn't keep the temp in the house constant. I started having heat issues and the tank would consistently be too hot, around 83. I had my peppermint shrimp, two snails, two crabs die off and my other stuff started looking bad. At this point, I decided i needed more airflow in the actual tank and put in additional fans in the back of the tank. This brought my temperatures back down to around 75-76, a little colder than i would like. I put in a heater and the temp has been consistent at 79 degrees for around a week. This is something that I should have done to begin with, just a rookie mistake. Today, I installed the NanoCustoms 3.24 light upgrade and the extra light has made my tank really look great. I'm excited to see how well things are going to grow now. I also have the ability to change the fan speed and i'm planning on playing with that a little bit. I'm ready to start stocking my tank back up a little. Any suggestions? I have one black clown and want another fish. I had two but they didn't get along very well and someone is looking after it. Any suggestions? Ill post some pics of the upgrade if anyone is interested.
  2. put in my lighting upgrade today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mcallahan


      what's the upgrade?

    3. diabeetus


      the PC-R bulbs?

    4. adamo


      oh hi, sorry i didn't see these. Yes, I put in the Nanocustoms 3.24 light upgrade, which basically added another PC bulb for a total of 72 watts. I'm running two PC-R's and one regular PC bulb that came with the kit. There is ALOT more light and everything seems much happier.

  3. Added some fans to the back of the cube. Was having heat issues. Tank was hovering around 82 during the day. ill post results later

  4. New fire shrimp today. sweet.

  5. PC-R's come in today, i'm excited. I'll take before and after pics

    1. adamo


      They make everything pop out. It looks like everything has a new lease on life all of a sudden.

  6. ordered some new PC-R bulbs. cant wait.

  7. adamo

    New guy

    Your being pleasant this evening, William. Lol. I'll look when I get back home.
  8. adamo

    New guy

    Link no workie
  9. adamo

    New guy

    Protein skimmer is on the way, gonna try my luck with the biocube skimmer as I found it very reasonably. The Chemipure is good for another month or so. I just switched the bulbs around to add.more color to the corals. I'm looking into a light upgrade now which adds a third bulb of my choice. I may go with a half and half bulb. I added supposedly quieter better flowing fans today but now my tank sounds like a 777. The candy cane is knocked down but I haven't fixed it yet because It has two small heads that you can't see that are in an weird position. Sorry for any error was on phone.
  10. adamo

    New guy

    Picture of the tank, finally, lol.
  11. adamo

    New guy

    Hmm. is it possible that they are both already female? One is larger than the other, but its just beating the little one up too much. Im going to see what i can do. I may end up putting it in a friend's tank so it can recuperate. Might have to get rid of it. Sucks. I wanted two.
  12. adamo

    New guy

    how about 2, that's how many I have.
  13. slightly upset with my ebay fan upgrade.

  14. adamo

    New guy

    Another update. I found another clown in austin and picked him up last week. It is smaller than the one that is already in my tank. They dont seem to be getting along very well. The larger one keeps attacking the newer, smaller one. Don't really know what to do, i thought they would stop after a day or so but it hasn't. Another note, the larger clown laid eggs under some of my halimeda. Thoughts? Seems like the introduction of the smaller (male?) has induced this behavior.
  15. my clown is laying eggs.

    1. joshdmartin


      thats cool i guess they paired up!!

  16. Got another black clown. Tank's looking good.

  17. adamo

    New guy

    Well, I just put a lot more stuff in my tank. Will take some pics eventually. I lost my torch coral during the ride back from Dallas. The first casualty .
  18. I have one now and really like him. Looking to get a buddy for him. Adam
  19. Hi, sorry for not getting back to you. Been busy since I got back from vacation. Got a bunch of new stuff in my tank and i want to make sure nothing goes wrong before I add something else. Ill catch the next one. Thanks, Adam
  20. Putting first fish in tank. woo

  21. adamo

    New guy

    It would have been a car ride. Im getting one from someone locally cheaper.
  22. adamo

    New guy

    I guess i'll just keep posting updates to this thread. Almost bought a black clown in dallas. They had them for 50, but I was worried about transporting it. Can they tolerate a long car ride? Seems like the temperature would be a problem Also, I resolved the heat problem with timers.
  23. adamo

    New guy

    sorry for the huge pics, phone has too many MP's for once. lol
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