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Posts posted by Myvirtue

  1. Im using a mag 12 return pump and its pushing more water back into my tank than my overflow will take out... I currently have a valve on my return line to limit my mag 12. Im worried i may damage my pump. I was thinking i should possibly make a T and moved the valve to the T and allow the extra water to go back into my sump and not causing so much back pressure on my pump. What do u guys think? or will my pump be fine? if im not making sense i can take pics. thank you

  2. i have some kordon Rid Ich + leftover from when i had a freshwater tank. I have a fish that seems to cant ged rid of ich and i want to do something before its to late. Its eating normal and seems to act normal. Ive had him for almost 10days but he seems to have 3 spots of ich that wont go away. my water seems in check im doing weekly water changes and soaking the food in garlic... the other 2 fish i have (clowns) dont show any signs... it seems the spot of ich move or fall off and 3 more appear, cant tell. I have a Qt tank setup about 3weeks ago. i used the water from my main tank and have a skimmer on it. I feel really confident i can catch the fish within 2 attempts since it comes to my hand or to the top of the tank when im near. My question is.. should i go ahead and QT him and start a form of treatment? and if so.. should i use the kordons rid ich + i have or go buy something else? Ive been looking around on forums doing research. right now im just stuck between QT or continue to feed and weekly water changes and see how the fish does.

  3. I just upgraded to a in sump skimmer.... and to a Ati light. for starting out i was impressed and very pleased... Ive only had the skimmer for about 3months and i was very pleased with the skimming. just didnt want a HOB anymore. Its a Octopus skimmer, model BH100. heres what it looks like.... http://www.saltysupply.com/Reef-Octopus-Hang-on-Back-Protein-Skimmer-BH-100-p/oc6111.htm

    I also have a 48 Inch Coralife Aqualight Dual T5 Lamp High Output Fixture that ive had for about 3 months... the bulbs are about 3months old which are included.... http://www.marinedep...TFIT54U-vi.html

    I need to get rid of asap make me a offer.. 254-421-2282 shoot me a text or call me i can send you a pic through my phone if needed...

  4. you can actually get nova extreme through ebay from the manufacture cheaper than that sometimes. Nova extreme claims there reflectors are individual for each light. its just one reflector thats shaped around each bulb like a "V" There not bad.

  5. well i bought the ati sunpower 6x54 without bulbs at reekgeeks for 440$ shipped.. but i got a good deal on a manufactures 2nd, i think they have more. they claimed it had a small scratch on the fixture. i still cant find the scratch lol. I would call and ask for george. he knows me by myvirtue and he knows his stuff. they also have the new tek elite in stock. It took me almost 3 months of research before i decided to buy my lights and those 2 seem to be the best for the price.

  6. i bought a mag 12 pump from ebay and from the shipping, part of the (impeller cover) cover cracked and i cant use it, was looking to see if anyone had any parts laying around from a old mag pump. can be a mag 9.5 or 12 size... or if someone knows where i can get one locally let me know. im in killeen but im willing to commute to get one. you can buy them online cheap just prefer not to wait that long.

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