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Posts posted by Headless_donkey

  1. RIVER CITY AQUARIUMS or Kingfish! We to have denounced certain stores for being jerks and unhelpful. There are too many other good places to go and people to talk to here in Austin to put up with lousy service. The store should be concerned you didn't bring in a water test and your buying lots of new livestock. BTW I think I know where you are talking about and please watch out for aptasia and cyano.

  2. Super cool tank. We have always been nervous about keeping an anemone in our twelve gallon tank. You seem to be able to do it without a problem. Congrats. BTW your bird's nest looks nothing like mine. I find that truly fascinating. Great tank!

  3. We purchased two new seahorses from Draco Marine. They are hippocampus erectus. I have to say that they are the coolest seahorses we have ever had. I have absolutely nothing but good things to say about Draco marine. They were super friendly and professional. They even shipped the horses in water that matched the salinity of OUR tank. IMPRESSIVE!

    Well, we have one new boy and one new girl. There names are Porter and Dolly. For the record Dolly does have big ones...cirri(appendages) that is. Here are some pictures.






    Classic seahorse in macro algae shot. The fuzziness is our artistic impression of the seahorse.


    Porter eating out of our new feeding station. At our house SPS are good for two things feeding dishes and hitching posts.



    A painting Jennifer did of a seahorse in her dream. You will have to ask her the story.


    Full Tank shot. Frag Swap acquisitions: Orange Monti cap(middle) and finger leather(bottom left)


    ...and King Taki Taki Wa Wa


  4. We have a 30 gallon cube with ten gallon sump. We are looking to keep the temp around 75F. Right now it is fine with a couple of fans, but I am conserned about the summer. I am looking for suggestions on a chiller. I don't know what size we need. Does anyone have any experience with specific chillers? Does any have a used one for sale? I am not really interested in a DIY solution.

    thank you

  5. Does any one no of a temp or ph controller that reports data to an external port? Preferably it would have an RS232 port that told me its current status. I know I could use a Reefkeeper or Auquacontroller, but I am trying to use a custom controller for one of the tanks.

  6. Here are some pictures of our 12 gallon Aqaupod. i have done extensive modifications to it. I have added extra 50/50 lights and 1 watt moonlight. I built a custom overflow box for it and attached a 10 gallon refugium. the fuge us run on an opposite photo period from the tank. this is all controlled with an AMX control system and 10" touch screen. I programmed the control system and used a Xantech 690-10 power controller to turn things off. I think the touch screen is super neat.

    Fish in the tank: randall's goby, Gudgian goby, Yellow watchman goby, Tallasumpthin' goby, Candy stripe goby(really small), scooter blenny

    Inverts; 2 sexy shrimp, peppermint shrimp, emerald crab, really mean blue leg hermits, bunch of snails

    Full tank


    Touch Screen


    Full tank


    Some zoos and the clam


    ricordia: this started out as a single ricordia and has been splitting like crazy




    The obligatory stony coral aka bird's nest


    ...and Rosie aka the world's littlest pitbull (Please don't touch the tank or she will have something to say.


  7. I have three pieces of red gorgonia with white poylps. They are in the way and would be great for some one wanting to try gorgonia. The pieces are $5. One is smaller then the rest so hurry.

    All gone thank you

  8. Here is our 30G Oceanic cube. It houses our beloved seahorses. This is the "big tank" in the house. It has been up for almost six months now. For lighting we are using a TEK Nova 24 watt X 2 T5 retrofit kit. I can say we are very happy and impressed by the T5 technology.

    First set-up while cycling


    Here are some other shots with live stock





    New shots coming soon!

  9. My understanding some pumps don't like to be stopped and started abruptly (seios). Some wave makers have soft start and stop to get around this. They ramp the voltage up and down rather then shutting it on and off. I know maxijets can be run or a wave maker. I think some off the tunze can also. Please some one chime in if I am wrong.

  10. We have some and could pull a little out for you. We just pruned, so the piece would be kind of small, but it grows like crazy in our tank. In a couple of weeks I am sure there will be some more substantial pieces. Just PM me and let me know what you want to do.

  11. Our yellow clown goby that we just put in the tank has ich. We have a quarantine tank(that we didn't use, fantastic). What should we do? I have read it could be caused by stress, but I do not want to risk the health of the other fish.

  12. It is a possiblility that the other macro in the tank is exporting the nutrients before they get to the cheato. The water is good and the horses are happy so we think we will just wait and see. thank you

  13. Bending is pretty easy. I use a heat gun and patience. If you bend to quickly it will break. Trust me. I broke a perfectly good over flow box in half. Heat it up so hot it almost bends it's self. The trick is getting the bend straight. Using a piece of wood on the top and on the bottom of the acrylic works well. It becomes kind of a "break" and the bend happens almost effortlessly.

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