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Everything posted by lewisweil

  1. saw'em off! I'm looking forward to meeting y'all in person, if you can make it Thursday.
  2. It needs all the help it can get. They have very little budget and are constantly under threat of losing the space for it. It is 125gallons. It was beatiful in my day ('01-'05) and then the kid after me killed everything and it never really recovered since. I'm going to check it out. If anyone wants to donate frags we/they would appreciate it. I know at least one reef keeper in B/CS. I'll have to get him on the board, maybe we can do a College Station rollcall. Maybe I can sweet talk Fish Gallery into running stuff out to B/CS or have an Aggie deal in Houston or Austin. Hrmm.
  3. When I was an undergrad at A&M I was in charge of the aquatics. I still contribute to the display reef in the biology building. They haven't had the budget the last couple years to hire a student to maintain it so it has faded since I was there. But they found someone good to work on it this semester. I am coming to visit this weekend. I'll probably bring a couple corals to help them start over (oh and to hit Layne's while I am there). You should check it out if you have a chance. I'm going to try to help them restock slowly over the next few months, so I am going to be trying to get my hands on all the frags I can!
  4. ugh After that game I bet there is.... ugh cheers to that.
  5. we'll see how the night goes O_O I meant wallet**** oh... yeah... me too...
  6. Hi ARC, Fish Gallery is coming to Austin. The store is being built on N. Lamar, a few blocks north of the Blackstar Coop pub, next to the original Threadgills. At the Houston store they regularly have Drink Like a Fish socials in the store. Since the store isn't built yet but we want to start drinking and talking fish now we are having a social this Thursday at 7:30 at Butterfly Bar over on Manor Rd. The future managers of the Austin store, plus some of the Houston crew will be there. So if you're free Thursday let Fish Gallery buy you a drink and come talk fish with us. Bring pics/videos of your tanks! More details on the facebook event. What: Drinking and talking fish with Fish Gallery Austin crew When: Thursday, 7:30pm Where: Butterfly Bar, 2307 Manor Rd. Who: you! Why: beer and fishes (stay tuned for Fish Gallery sponsor forum)
  7. lewisweil

    Live Ulva

    I might have some to spare soon. If I do I'll let you know.
  8. Hey I bought the skimmer, it is awesome. But is overkill for my tank so if you want it it is yours. PM sent.
  9. is it already gone? does it require a certain type of pump?
  10. lewisweil


    I am doing some curing right now and I am really tired of constantly changing out the foul water. I hate wasting saltwater. How do y'all cure your liverock? Any clever setups to deal with the die off and subsequent gross water.
  11. lol, I was born in 1983 and that is where my aquariums are staying. Actually they don't add any oxygen to the water, common misconception. The bubbles lift water to the surface allowing a gas exchange. There is some movement here but seriously, and honestly why use an air stone do to this? At least, at the very minimum, step into 1984 and consider using powerheads to move water around. They do the exact same thing as a bubbler but way more efficient and tons better at moving water to the surface.
  12. Put it back together and it is running fine, thanks for the advice.
  13. They don't create a strong current but they do create a gentle and consistent circulating current. lol, I didn't realize air pumps would be that interesting.
  14. Thanks Jim. That is reassuring. Mike, bubblers can be a great way to get tank circulation.
  15. One of my air pumps fell into the tank. Fortunately no one got electrocuted, I unplugged it right away. I open up the pump and drained it out. After I let it air dry can I keep on using it? Or should I call it a loss and replace it?
  16. Are the rubbermaid tubs ever made out of plastic that may not be so friendly for long term occupation by living things?
  17. lewisweil

    Free Chaeto

    As I was leaving the baggie of green stuff in our dark drop off point I thought the same thing.
  18. lewisweil

    Free Chaeto

    enjoy the algae etannert!
  19. That sounds good. Has anyone seen it at any LFS?
  20. I would be interested in seeing how nutriseawater affects a reef tank. It sounds like they are marketing "live water." Not sure how that is worthwhile if you have liverock and sand. I could swear there used to be a readily available seasalt brand for aquariums. Maybe I made that up.
  21. Are there any brands of salt that are just sea salt. You know, salt from the ocean. I like the mixes and all but I want to try just straight up salt from the ocean. I seem to recall you used to be able to buy it but I can't find it anymore. I of course mean big bags of it meant for aquarium use, not the stuff in bulk at Whole Foods.
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