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Posts posted by lewisweil

  1. Do y'all have tricks for moving large amounts of water when doing water changes? My drains are quite aways from my tanks and I need to move like 60 gallons of water down the drain. Is there an awesome brand of bucket that I am missing out on? What do you all do when you have lots of heavy water to lug around?

  2. Blue Zoo looks great! I will be getting stuff from them sometime, unfortunately they can't deliver soon. I am meeting with someone Wednesday and really want to show them Ulva.

    John at Reefcleaners.com is the best. He is the first one I asked, I really like working with him. Unfortunately he is out of it right now.

    So I am still on the prowl for Ulva if anyone can hook me up with info or algae by tomorrow. :)

  3. My source for green Gracilaria went out of business and I am trying hard to find one! Does anyone know anyone who can get it? ORA doesn't seem to have it reliably right now. I can find plenty of red and brown gracilaria, but I can't find any Green which is what I need. Thanks y'all.

  4. I need to keep a couple 55 gallon tanks with minimal space. I was thinking of using baker's racks to provide a quick, affordable space to run my tanks. Is there any reason to not use bakers racks? Can anyone recommend a better solution (that doesn't require woodwork)?

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