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Posts posted by RotaryGeek

  1. Its not that i don't want to. I seriously don't know where i can buy an internal overflow box and bulkheads from. I have searched sponsors sites on reefcentral, googled it, went through yahoo search, i just find tanks with them already in. I don't know where i can go to buy the internal overflow box.

  2. I have a eshopps 800 HOB overflow box, but have been really thinking about switching to an internal overflow box. Mainly becuase im tired of hearing the overflow box. I don't really have room to make a silencer like a Durso or Stockman, but i do have room for a Hofer Gurgle Buster. And it deoesn't work like they say it should. I want it to be dead silent. My problem is i don't know where i can buy a internal overflow box. I want a center one, but its a 46 bowfront and it has a center brace. So i guess im stuck with a corner overflow. I just don't know where to get one at. And then i have to drain the tank and drill it. That will be a pain, but its doable. Here is a pic so you can see what im working with. Not alot of corals, ended up losing a bunch when i moved it to my dads between my houses.


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