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Posts posted by lexiemc

  1. We've had our fish now 2mths maybe?

    And looks like the gobbies have set up house in the Candy Cane (from Chad & Belinda). This morning I notice what looks like a glob of eggs on the base of one of the acans. And our little gobbie is very diligent about his house keeping.

    to quote mcallahan our Candy Cane Acan is now "the love shack".

    BTW apparently Yellow Clown gobbies are bidirectional protogynous hermaphrodites. So yes, they can change like clown fish.

    post-1418-016203300 1278166459_thumb.jpg

  2. Hey Derry,

    Just wanted to say Thanks for the Zoas. The Dragons are really vibrant and the Gorrilla morphs are expanding nicely as well.

    Kev got them all glued down to some shell frags and they are opening up nicely even the bits of the rebels Ra.

    Have a great week.

  3. I like Rangoon's ideas FW does offer some very cool nano options with a lot less stress trying to get it cycled and regulated.

    Variety is good.

    Rosy barbs and Galaxy Rasboras with a few small shrimps...

    Aquatek has a great little FW nano with live plants, small rocks & bubbler.

  4. Blue Margarita! :)

    Nice pieces btw! You'll get a lot of interest in that Milli!!

    Gorgeous. You got the only one I take it? I like the name Brooks suggested too.

  5. Day1... Zoa Toxins are lethal even in water. ;(

    We are still feeling the effects of a little too much exposure to all of the zoas. Yes, that really sucked! :bye: Even with minimal dermal contact.

    Apparently Radioactive Dragon Eyes are especially potent and viscous when only wounded. Yes, I new that the secreted a toxin but thought that was only if you injured them and got the toxin into your blood stream or eyes, etc.

    Next time we will wear the Elbo'gloves.

    Day2... Did a 25% water change. Amonnia is still at zero and Everything in the tank is quite hacked off. White legions are still visible on most of the afflicted Zoas. My Armors are trying to up, some, the Acros are resisting better than expected. But the torch and hammer look awful.

    ***Opted to have Chad & Belinda hold on to our new corals till we have an all clear from the Zoa Pox War.

  6. I've often thought about doing a really big tank aka www.monsterfishkeepers.com, but I'm not sure my wife would put up with me always wearing my dive gear around the house.

    Nice. There are always snorkels...

  7. tearing apart the rockwork to treat zoas that have spread onto it unless the rock is fairly easy to remove.

    I decided the best way to attempt any salvo on the Dragon Eyes was to detach the original frag :( and dip it. They were my largest and oldest zoa group until the pox. The attached zoas will have to deal with the tank treatment.

    I hope they make it through.

    My hypocritical side coming out. I tell people this but if I know the history of a tank corals are coming out of I usually don't do this.

    So I thought as well... :D

  8. Zoa Pox Update.

    Day 1.

    All zoa frags removed at best and dipped in RO / Hydrogen peroxide 25% solution for 15 mins. Then thoroughly rinsed as per instructions.

    Man that was Nasty...

    Most of them look really hacked off and gnarly. For now my Armors and Ra's look good and clean. Hope they resist this stuff.

    So should we dip any new corals before we acclimate them? (I found Lugol's solution Dip today.)

    Derek, I think I jacked your thread. Sorry.

  9. I'm not sure if the Eurthromycin did much damage to your biological filter per say. Eurthromycin, if my memory serves me right is a gram-positive antibiotic and your primary nitrifying bactertia are gram negative.

    Ok. So is planing for a 25% water change on a 44gal every other day too much? with these conditions? We plan to watch the Nitrogen and Ammonia closely.

    What makes me paranoid is there's still alot of things going on in our tanks we still don't know anything about and it's seems reasonable to me that antibiotics even if they might not directly affect the nitrifying biolife they are most likely killing beneficial bugs. We are still know very little Species, Genus, Family, or Order specific disease processes so it's not easy to say what all is affected. I myself haven't seen this problem with my zoeanthids but I would be inclined to just dip the affected animals.


    Dipping as per Dave's suggestion is what I plan on following up with today. What about the zoas that are permanently attached to the main rock structure? Will they continue to carry / infected with the Pox, do you think?

    What should we do with the incoming corals tomorrow? (Austrailian delicate SPS, Mini Elegance Coral and a AOG Paly.) How do we acclimate them into said enviro at this time?

    Would it be best to pull our HO canister filter and transfer it to my smaller 10g Qtank in hopes that the biofilter survives after the Erythromycin?

    I'll have to make a run to LFS for additional RO and SW H2O today +supplies.

  10. I am seriously paranoid about putting antibiotics/antifungals and don't like using antiprotozoan (like Kick-Ich) in my tanks. It's got to be killing benificial stuff as well. I'd follow Dapettit's dipping treatment.

    Too late. Didn't see the last post until after 1st treatment with Erythromycin. The tank has been dosed. ?? :wacko:??

    Not sure how much triage I'm going to be playing the next few weeks with 10-25% water changes but it's what will have to be done.

    Especially since the bio-load filters are nuked (probably) by the antibac now.

    So much for trying to have my back up plan running before doing anything.

    I'm going to go ahead and continue the "HO2 dip" for the next few days and see what survives. Is it ok to soak all my remaining Zoa frags (8 i think) in the HO2 solution in 1 container the rinse each one in new clean salt water before returning to tank?

    How long can the Zoa pox remain in the water system and will it effect any other corals like mushrooms, acans, toadstool leather or SPS?

  11. Ok.

    What about the rest of our corals in our tank?

    Does Zoa Pox afflict anything else? I have not found anything referencing the effects for any other corals.

    We have several 5 soft polyps varieties and 4 sps, as well as mushrooms. I can list them but it kinda long.

    Not to mention we had already ordered a 3 small corals to come in on the UC order tomorrow.

    Flying blind now. ;/


  12. Yes, definitely have white spots speckling the tops of our main zoa colonies. Unfortunately Didn't realize what the true plague of the Zoas. Kept looking for some other parasite ;/

    Not sure we will be able to dip the main colony of dragon eyes since they are already attached to the main rock structure (we had them some time now). Though since I have had a fair number already vanish I may just break off whats left and try to salvage them as best I can.

    *No we did not find any Furan II.

    But did find EM Erythromycin powder packets which was suggested as a possible treatment for both fish and corals with fungal issues. It suggests dosing the entire tank with the antifungal/bacteria solution.

    Do we use just regular old Hydrogen Peroxide from Walgreens?

    I only have RO water just now. Where can I get more RO/DI water?

    I know I'll have to clean all the heaters and pumps out as well. Have to go get more water soon to be prepped for the increased water changes. Not to mention that I have new corals coming in on Thursday. ;/

    • Like 1
  13. Well you had me curious about our melting zoas as well. Especially my large colonies So I did a bit of checking here.

    Looks a lot like Zoa Pox. :spell:

    According to Zoaid articles http://www.zoaid.com/articles004.php. Furan II can safely treat it.

    Has any one else tried this or know where we can locate some? Or any other suggestions with Tetracycline?

    Furan II??

    Going to post this under emergency topics as well since we have already called several LFS store with little helps.



  14. Well, I am having trouble making them go number 2. I started getting desperate. My weenie dog is an old female breeder my hubby got when he was 14. She got bit by a rattle snake when she was about 4 and needed an emergency spay, and surgery. She loves to eat field mice, so you can understand my concern. I let her sniff and she went right to town on being a mama. My shepherd just didn't get it this time. She "deflated" both of them, and groomed them just like a mama cat.

    Well, glad to here that Mama Doggie has taken to helping you out so well. I have raised/fostered a fair number of kittens in my days. We are now down to just our last kitties and SW fish.

    If you should have any more troubles we always run warm water and swab their end with the wet toilet paper until they understood the urge and let go if you will. They don't like it any more than when Mama cat does it so don't fret over all the squalling they will do.

    Good luck and many blessing that you will all pull through this.

  15. So i have been helping my husband with the tank for several months now. I have begun to take larger interest in which corals we are acquiring and what we want out of our tank. That of course means I have to help learn all about prospective new corals.

    So I recently stumbled upon the website with complete information and scientific names and characteristics of many marine creatures as well as other animals.

    From Anemones to Zoanthids. and marine fish too.



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