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Posts posted by Kris

  1. I noticed my black saddle back clown and midas blenny have been rubbing the side of their heads on the rocks. I havent noticed any spots or anything that makes me think I have ick. My tank is 3 months out of the main cycle. all levels are good. Today I got my first coral, a frogspawn. Any chance this is the cause? any help would be great. Thanks

  2. Welcome melissa! I'm also a noob, my tank has only been up for a little over 2 months now. I don't plan on adding any coral till may. I'm trying to go as slow as possible. I have a 15+ cuc that doesn't seem to be enough for my 24g ap. I added my sixline wrasse 7 days ago and I plan on adding another fish in about 3 weeks.

    Good luck on your tank and I hope to see some pictures of your set up soon.

  3. Hello again everyone! Just a quick update on how things are going. I added a sixline wrasse today and he seems to be doing great so far. I've been noticing that the ph is 7.8 at night and 8.2 durring the day, is there anyway to stalize this naturally? I do 10% wc every Tuesday. All my other levels are steady. Also I've noticed somy coraline is starting to fade, could this be due to too much light? I'm running a nova extreme pro 6x18w. 10 hours on 14 hours off, antics come on 30mins before and 30 mins after daylights. I'm having abit of a gha problem but I'm planning on getting a couple or turbos and/or astreas. So my complete bioload is...

    1 turbo

    1 cerith

    1 fighting conch

    5 nass's

    1 margarita

    1 stomatella

    1 red bannded coral shrimp

    1 bumble bee snail

    1 red emerald crab

    3 small hermits

    1 sixline wrasse

    I'm gonna add a few more snails and 1 more fish (in 2 weeks) and stick with what I have for the next 2 months before I add my first coral. I'm also wondering if a k nano, k1 and a mj1200 in place of the stock pump is to much flow. Any ideas, suggestions or comments of any kind are welcome and appreciated.

  4. thanks guys! ive had this problem for about a week now. I have not fed the tank anything during the cycle. I'll mess with the flow today. Seahorse, I did add a fighting conch about 2 days ago and he has gotten rid of some of it. Right now, im using a mj1200 as my pump and a k1. Is that enough for a 24g ap? I was thinking of getting a koraline nano.

  5. Welcome aboard from another Southie. Sounds like you've done what most of us do, but a big pat on the back for thinking of the fish/corals first and finding them somewhere safe while your tank cycled. Things are looking good, but you seem to have some cyano growing in the front right of your tank. Do a little research and you should be able to get it under control before you add more fish and corals.

    thanks mike! I've done some research and I'm currently waiting to see if the cuc helps any. In a week or so, depending on if its gotten any better I'll use my chemi pure eilte. I've also read adjusting the flow could help. Anything else im missing?

  6. Wow, first off I'd like to say how excited I am to find these forums. I've been reading through the last couple of days and decided to register.

    On Dec. 28 2009 I started a 24g aquapod. My first saltwater tank. I bought 20lbs of live sand, my dad gave me 10lbs of LR he's had in his sw tank for 6 years+. I went to aquadome and got my ro/di water. I let it set for 2 days and took a trip up too aquatek and bought 5 more lbs of live rock and a couple of snails. A couple days later I went to aquadome and talked to the guy there and told him everything about my system, long story short...he let me walk out of there with 3 fish and 2 corals. Back then I had not done any research for myself. I was listening to my old man and the guys at aquadome. At this point I had 15lbs live rock, 1 clown,1 dottyback, 1 gobi, 1 brown mushroom colony, and a brian coral. I was so excited that it was going so quickly. A week later I went back to aquadome to tell the guys everything was fine and if I could handle more corals? They said "seems like everything is doing fine, getting a couple more corals should be just fine." I went home with a devils hand leather and a kenya tree. Everything seemed alive and happy and I told myself I was not going to buy anything for awhile except a test kit. When I got the kit I immeditly started testing the water and came to find that ammonia was high, ph was very low, and nitrates we a bit high. So I started to worry and jumped on my computer to do some research of my own. I found a site called nano reef that I have been reading for well over a month now. I'm am shocked in how misinformed I was and how ignorent I was to not do my own research. I quickly called the only person I know in austin with a sw tank and gave him everything. I went back to aquatek and bought 11.5 lbs of live rock and let everything sit for 3 weeks. All my levels are stable and within normal range. I'm doing 10% weekly water changes. I replaced the stock pump with a mj 1200, bought a 20" nova extream pro 150w t5ho lighting system, add a koraline 1 and a elite 100w heater. I took out the bio balls, rings and sponges. Replaced with a dyi egg create media rack witch runs filter floss only, for now. I bough chemi pure elite and purgen, but still not sure if I need them. Last week I bought a red banded coral shrimp. Yesterday I bought a cuc. 2 nass, 1 cerith, 1 bumble bee snail, 1 fighting conch, 2 hermits and 1 emerald crab. I'm planning on watching my levels for a cople of weeks before adding a small gobi.

    I'm very excited about this website and hope to get to know you guys soon. I will be posting some pictures up as soon as I can. Thanks for reading!

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