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Posts posted by theresa

  1. Folks this is a wonderful breed and help with corraling the kiddos as well. Extremely smart and talentive. Yes, this breed is a very active dog. If you love to run, walk, throw, etc, this would be one to keep you going. They are also protective, friendly and amazing to watch them play.

    • Like 2
  2. Yes, but one of the steps is giving all your corals to someone...ehem.

    Pick me, pick me, I'll take them. Beautiful... Just remember the October frag swap is just around the corner...are hick we can do a buy now and pick up at Theresa now.....that'll work

  3. By the way, Sargasum is the yellow/ brown sea weed that washes on shore this time of year. Take a net then start wading around. Pick up these clumps of sargasum that are floating around and shake them over the net. After awhile, you will end up with anglers and filefish.

    Here are some of the other ones that were collected.

    One of two puffers we found in the grassy areas. The other one was twice this size. He went home with a buddy of mine who was other there with us.

    Here is a wrasse. It is called a slippery d**k and no I am not making this name up. lol

    attachicon.gifone slippery **** use this one.jpg

    sargassum angler

    attachicon.gifOne filefish.jpeg

    Remember that collecting corals from the Gulf is not allowed. These are found everywhere, even along the jetty. Also saw a lot of SPS

    attachicon.gifone sea whip.jpeg

    sargassum angler

    attachicon.gifone angler.jpeg

    Just run your fingers through the sand when you are splashing around. Don't be surprised if you grab something else like I did. Lol

    attachicon.gifone snail.jpeg

    These large ones are caught along the grassy areas but also on the beach (when you get lucky like we did on this particular one).

    attachicon.gifone large seahorse.jpeg

    Also found in a lot of areas.

    attachicon.gifone gargonian.jpeg

    Sorry for this bad pic. He is a juvenile blue headed wrasse

    attachicon.gifone blue headed juvenile wrasse.jpeg

    Eventually he will look like this.

    attachicon.gifone blue headed wrasse adult.jpg

    What I had hopped to catch at the jetty but was unable to was the French Angel. The waves were too rough that morning which was our last day.

    attachicon.gifone french angel.png

    Keep in mind that the tropical fish die when the water get colder in the winter. The adults lay and fertilize their eggs in Mexico and the Caribbean. The eggs make their way here which is why the fish were see are small.

    Below is a list of fish that you can find in the Port A area. They have either been seen or collected by a friend of mind. You can also find other tropical in other areas of the Texas Gulf.

    Blue Angel (1-3 per year)

    French Angel (30-100+ per year)

    Foureye Butterflyfish (3 ever)

    Doctorfish (1-3 year) (one year dozens)

    Ocean Surgeonfish

    Northern Searobin

    Bighead Searobin

    Emerald Sleeper

    Southern Hake

    Southern Stargazer

    Bank Cusk-Eels


    Frillfin Goby

    Least Puffer


    Whitespotted Soapfish

    Grey Triggerfish (common)

    Planehead Filedish (1-2 per year)

    Seagrass & Oyster Beds:

    Cowfish (2 one year)

    Leopard Searobin

    Spotted Scorpionfish (common)

    Belted Sandbass (common)

    Tessellated Blenny (lots one year)

    Misc other less interesting Blennies

    Hairy Blenny (common)

    Chromis (I thought he said purple) (1-6 most years)

    Porkfish (1-6 per year)

    Flame Cardinal (dozens to hundreds @ night)

    Freckled Cardinal (1 ever, but may have mistaken for Flame Cardinal

    :arrotfish (1-2 every other year) (common south padre jetties)

    Jewelfish (Yellowtail Dansel) (1-3 most years)

    Bicolor Dansel (2-dozens Some years)

    Yellowtail Dansel)

    Bicolor Dansel

    Brown Chromis


    Flame Cardinal

    Freckled Cardinal

    Spotted Scorpionfish

    Belted Sandbass

    Tessellated Blenny

    I just wanted to say that I learned a mountain of information on this trip and have much more to go. Thanks Carl for teaching Belinda and I and for getting me to go into areas I would have never thought I would ever go into. I hear August and September are the best months. Can't wait to head back.

    Are y'all going to go back in August/September? Count me in if you are. Where did you stay?

  4. Jake if you need some bars LMK, i can get a door built.

    Sent from my MB865 using Tapatalk 2

    Jermey, I will be happy to help contribute to the cost of bars if Jake want them. Or contribute to the repairs. Want be much but every little bits helps. Jake has done a lot of things for us LMK.

  5. Big thanks to Oozarkawater from all the boys on the Little League Minor DBack team. Chris you are awesome and you work is as well. We won the ice cream party thanks to you. Your work is awesome...All the boys said thank you for the special treat as well. Thank you Buddy.


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  6. I will not be able to attend C4 . I have four tickets with meal at twenty five a piece. That 4 tickets 4 meals and 12 extra door prize tickets to go with the tickets. $100.00 for all four tickets. Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks theresa

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