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Posts posted by brian.srock

  1. I've also tried acrylic to glass and it'll always bow out. And although I am currently using glass from Home Depot in my sump spend the money and buy thicker glass. Also make sure you sand the edges down once they are cut. I've cut my fingers one too many times on mine but can't do much about it now. Also I think sifuentes works in a glass shop so give him a shout and see what kind of ARC deal he can get you.

  2. I just bought a Nikon d5100 so now I'll be able to shoot way better pics than from my iphone. It came with a 18-55mm and I just got a 55-200mm lens that I picked up off ebay so now I just need to get a carrying bag and some photography classes.

    The newest addition to my tank is this little guy.


    I'm also pleased to note that I have totally eradicated all green algae in my tank. I am currently at 3 1/2 mg of 100 proof vodka daily for my total water 100g of water volume between my display and sump. I now have some type of benificial algae growing which is why I got the tang. Still cleaning return pump filter and skimmer cup weekly and changing out filter media weekly.

    I just lost a tunze pump so it's offline but hopefully I can get it going again. It's doing some weird reverse rotation where it's sucking water in rather than pushing it out.

    Here's a FTS. As you can see the green algae is almost completly gone so definately pick yourself some phosban and 100 proof vodka if your having any problems.


    Now that my tank is back to a better state I can focus on buying more coral. Also really wondering if I should keep the xenia in my tank even though it's at the very bottom where I don't get much growth.

  3. Awesome Idea. If you do run out of tank I would just keep going up and have the top protruding out of the water with water running down it. Just a though

  4. I've never heard of using water from an established tank for a water change. I have always used RO/DI and a bucket of salt mixed for 24hrs. Wouldn't used water have a lot of the nutrients extracted such as Cal and Alk and other trace elements needed and potentially have bad stuff as well?

  5. post-1271-0-52094000-1339782302_thumb.jpg

    Sorry everyone still haven't set up the second tank yet. I am still on my vodka dosing regiment and everything is looking much better with 0 deaths. I now have one months worth of dark green skimmate in my skimmer gallon collection. Prior to vodka dosing I would maybe get a standard 6oz collection cup of stuff so this is a big improvement and my water is much cleaner. On tap for this weekend is a 10% water change, filter media change, and cleaning of my return pump, skimmer, and intake socks. I am now dosing 1ml of vodka in the am and pm along with 10ml of cal daily. I do need to get on a weekly test regiment of at least cal. I have noticed some sort of blue algae on my barnacles but it hasn't spread so it's fine there. Also my brain looks very pale because my pumps haven't been ramping down at night like usual because the little piece fell behind. Now that everything is back to stable and most of the algae is gone I can focus more attention on getting some corals. I need to snag a good deal on some rocks so I can set my second take up. I'm also going to be looking for a camera so I can take some better pics. Thought I'd post some iphone progress pics for now so here you go.





  6. I think the trick is to port forward a seldom used port and not the usually 80, 20, 21, etc. to 62 or something random thats not a default. It's been a while since I messed with IP stuff but I've had an online server up for a couple years with no intrusions. I also have my PS3 in the DMZ so I don't have to mess with opening specific ports for it. The big security risk that people seldom do is change their default modem password. I've popped into so many people homes and can usually get into their system with my iphone by using admin as the pw.

  7. SPS are way more demanding than lps, in terms of water quality, light, and parameters, such as, Ca, Mg, Alk, Ph, and all the usual, Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate and Amonia.

    Even though you are now using GFO it may still be high. Not scientific but my way of checking is how fast do I get a film on my glass and do I see algae. I started dosing vodka 100 proof Karkov ($15 @ specs) and I'm surprised by how much my skimmer is now pulling out. It went from a light green tea skimmate to a very dark green. I now clean the skimmer collection cup, return pump sponge, and sump intake pipe filter sock bi-weekly. I need to do a bigger water change this weekend and keep up with a weekly 10% water change.

  8. Are you currently having a phosphate problem? My SPS started dying left and right due to my increased phosphate levels. Once I got them under control their slowly coming back so I wouldn't chuck the frags unless they are completely white as they could come back.

  9. I have a duncan available for $20. It's even starting to grow another head as you can see in the pic.

    Brown Monti Cap $10 (I even have a magnet I can throw on it so you can mount it on your back wall)

    Radioactive zoas $15 (20+ heads)

    Orange Zoas $10

    I live SE by the Airport and work off Mopac and Duval





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