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Posts posted by Lamont

  1. NO DAMSELS! Yes, they are cute, but they tend to get mean the longer they have been in your tank. Also, once they are in there, the only reliable way to catch them is to remove all your rock work and drain the tank as they are fast, sneaky suckers.

    If you are talking about green chromis, that's another story. Thumbs up on that route.

    Depending on the size of your chromis and hawkfish, you should be fine to put them in all at once. If you can spread out the time between the chromis and the hawkfish, that'd be best to give your tank time to take up the additional waste.

    yea, i plan on getting 2 green chromis. thanks for the help!

  2. I am about to stock my tank with fish but i dont know how many i can introduce to the tank at one time. i know i cant put a half a dozen in. but would 3 be pushing it. i'm looking at getting 2 green damsels and a hawkfish. the tank is 40g and has 60lbs of rock. i also use a remora c skimmer, hydor koralia 3 and a h.o.b mechanical filter. the only fish in the tank are percula and a dottyback.^_^ I would like a few opinions on this subject please. Thanks!

  3. Are you running a sump? If so it could be micro bubbles. Could also be a precipitation event caused by Kh. Check paramiters and post numbers and more info on the system.

    No, i am not running a sump just a skimmer and mechanical filter and Hydor koralia 3.

  4. It could be the snails spawning. Does it only happen intermittently or is it every single morning since the movie to the new tank?

    its has just happened twice. this morning and sunday morning

  5. Hello everyone, i was wondering if anyone else had a problem with cloudy water in the mornings! I have just recently transferred everything from my 37g tank to a 40g breeder tank. I believe the transition went well. The next day the water was clear and fine, but the following morning I woke up and the water was cloudy. I thought it was from the skimmer so i unplugged it and went to work. When i returned home yesterday evening the water was clear again. This morning I checked the water and it was cloudy again without the skimmer being on. My filter pads and my Hydor powerhead were clean. I did not have time to test any water parameters this morning but I will when i return home after work. The water of this tank has been used for 3 years with a fish only setup. I just added the live rock 3 months ago. The tank is stocked with only a false percula, 20 snails, 7 red legged hermits and 50lbs of live rock. I use a penguin HOB filter and a Remora C Skimmer. When everything was in the 37g i never had this problem. I do have the tank by a window but not in front of it.(same spot as the 37g) i posted a pic of the tank so you can get an idea of my setup. i will try to put a youtube link for a video from yesterday evening. If you have any suggestion please let me know. Thx

  6. Keeper, i would like to take that Orbicular Cardinal off of your hands if you dont mind. I have a 37 gallon reef tank with a percula and royal gramma. If you still have it i could come and get it. Thanks!

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