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Posts posted by cyrus

  1. Will trade the colony for a large rbta, I need some homes for my 18 clown babies lol

    The small one can also go for a small bta. Just no gbta's with white speckles or white stripes please.

  2. I used to have a lot of it growing every day and then nadda. It likes high flow it grew off my power head. Now I have a piece thats the size of a quater lol

  3. Order is closing in a few moments, Those who are paid will have orders processed. Pick up is tomorrow at mamas pm or call her for the address. If you need more info contact will, myself or mama. I cant wait!

  4. i GOT MY CLUTCH OF BABIES! I finally got the babies I have been waiting for thanks to Steve (Thanks Steve!). I have wanted to set up an anemone/clown tank since i bought my 240g tank. I.E.


    Mona is my inspiration for the clown tank, I have 2 rbta's and 2 Gbta's on the way. I'm counting on massive splitting in the months to come. The tank is in need of more bta's green or rose so if anyone has offers pm me an I will trade zoa's and or cash. I have a blue hornet colony on hand for a nice large bta trade and other corals.

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