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Starsprinkle Rainbowsmile

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Everything posted by Starsprinkle Rainbowsmile

  1. I have this hermit crab. He's big, grey, ugly, and totally out of control. I have three total in my tank. The other two are well behaved. The one in question, however, is a total jerk and bully to everything else in my tank. He is always bulldozing over corals, stealing food from everybody, trying to pick fights. Now, I think he has damaged one of my corals. I hate to kill him, and I wouldn't purposefully give him to anyone so that he can start terrorizing their tank. But, he's now doing real damage. Should I just euthanize the critter? What are your opinions, thanks. Christian
  2. I have a JBJ 28G Nano Cube. I like my tank, but my advice would be just be prepared to mod the heck out of it, because you will eventually be disappointed with much of the stock configuration, equipment, and performance of most of the All-In-Ones. For example, my tank has a 150w Metal Halide and my temps were out of control until I got creative with some fans. I'm not even going to mention the stock skimmer, lol.
  3. That chalice is insane. What a beautiful specimen.
  4. Hey Barderer, sorry I was so rushed. Thanks for the great frags for a great price. I'll try to post some pics of them in my tank soon. Take care, Christian
  5. If you have the time, cook the rock. Do a quick google on "cooking live rock".
  6. Offroad, sorry for the late response. No worries, pm sent.
  7. What are the dimensions of the tank and stand? Also the manufacturer, it kind of looks like a tech stand, but the tank itself doesn't.
  8. I agree, I'm pretty new to all this too, but it definitely looks like Aiptasia to me. I've got some in my tank I'm trying to rid of. I just put two peppermint shrimps in there; hopefully they'll clean 'em up but peppermints can be hit or miss on the pest anemones.
  9. Hi everyone, thanks for the interest in my urchin, however he now has a new home. Nonsequitur came and picked him up this weekend. Thanks! Christian
  10. Thanks for all your answers and input. JBJ has not contacted me yet, but I will try to test the fuse, switch, and other parts with the multimeter. Also, the outlet seems fine as it will power other equipment, and the ballast doesn't work off of a totally different outlet in another part of the house either. If the ballast is in fact dead, is it hard to wire in a new ballast? It's my understanding that different fixtures often have different wiring connectors, etc. If it needs to be replaced, I'd rather go with a nice electronic ballast such as a Lumatek or something instead of just replacing this old hunk of junk.
  11. Hi folks, I have a JBJ 28G HQI Nano Cube and today the MH light would not turn on. The moonlight LEDs are fine. I have a support ticket into JBJ but they have not yet returned my call, so maybe some of you folks here may be able to help? I do not have a lot of experience with this type of lighting so perhaps I am doing something wrong. Here is what I've done so far: Plugged the ballast into a different electrical outlet. Checked the fuse on the ballast which looks fine, it is clear, intact and not burnt in any way, unless there is something I missed. Let the ballast sit unplugged for an hour and replugged everything in. Made sure all fittings and connectors are properly fastened. Although the bulb is relatively new, and does not appear to be burned out, I changed out the bulb anyway with a spare to no effect. The ballast just seems dead. Now if that's the case, does anybody have any suggestions for a replacement ballast? Also, how long can my corals go without light? I have some Xenia, some mushrooms, a small gorgonian, some GSP, and a small SPS frag that was starting to branch a little that I'd really like to save. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Christian
  12. Hi, thanks for the replies. Here is a pic of him, my camera doesn't show the true colors as well under the 20K MH lighting, but he's probably a little more purple than that with a hint of maroon maybe. As you can see, he likes to pick things up and take them with him! The urchin has a diameter of about 2 1/4", and is maybe 1 1/2" tall.
  13. Hi folks, I have 1 Purple Sea Urchin that I need to remove from my Nano Tank. I'm not sure what exact species it is. But it's just not going to work with what I plan to do with the tank. Most LFS don't want 'em. Perhaps someone here does? He's available for free or trade if you feel compelled to offer something for him, that's fine too As long as he gets a new home.
  14. Hi all, Thanks for the kind welcome. Razorsharp is right, just getting started was the hardest part! You save and save, and do all this research, make plans, scrap them, make new plans, etc... pretty soon you're wondering that you've spent all this time and effort and STILL NO REEF! LOL. For me it feels like a big hurdle is passed . Now I can enjoy my new tank, continue to learn, and move onto a bigger tank and challenges in the future, but at least for now my hands are finally wet! Aschen: I was lucky to get a few real nice pieces of live rock with my system. I picked up another few select pieces and I've got a pretty good idea what I want to do, but you're right it is a big challenge, especially finding that last piece of live rock- a nice plate/shelf piece! Mama: Thanks, I'm sure I will!
  15. Hi ARC, I have wanted to setup a reef tank for most of my life and now I finally have bought my first tank: an established 28 Gallon Nano Cube. It's not much, but it's mine, and I'm very happy about it. Now I can say, I am part of the Austin Reef Community! Currently there is a blue damsel, a couple crabs, an urchin, some snails, some star polyps, xenias, a small SPS. This is nice, but I have a few ideas to make it truly mine. First I will need a few select pieces of live rock and a good aquascaping imagination! Hmm I look forward to sharing some of my ideas Cheers everyone, happy reefing! Christian14
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