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Everything posted by wayneb

  1. Sounds good. Will be there at one with cash in my pocket. thanks, wayne
  2. Will be area today around noon, if skimmer is still available let me know and I will make arrangements to pick up. Will you take a check or cash? wayneb
  3. I have the same tank, I just run a small fan across the top when the HQ1 lights are on. Keeps the temp below 81. Got the fan from Dollar General for a few bucks. wayneb
  4. If you decide to go with the lighting retrofit, let me know. I have the soldering iron and tools and would be glad to help you wire them up. wayneb
  5. Just got my RO/DI unit in so will wait until that is set up and running before doing the LR thing. I couldn't see running to HEB and getting RO every few days trying to mix up large batches of salt water to keep the live rock going. Still question about vinegar bath - use it straight or delute it and if so what % ro to vinegar? Thanks, wayne
  6. If I can add to Mike's comment. A dedicated electrical circuit of at least 20 amps would probably do it. If you think your 15 amp will handle everything, make sure you don't have other outlets that are ganged into it. Most rooms have multiple outlets feeding one breaker with lamps, computers, tv, etc. being run on it. Adding the aquarium equipment would be a good way to keep popping the braker, and don't even want to mention worst case. Also change or have an electrician change the breaker to a GFI one. wayne
  7. The article was interesting, however the one thing I lack right now is the time. Might try using both the cooking method (modified) and the vinegar bath on the holy rock and any uncured rock I obtain. wayne
  8. Thanks Dave and Wryknow. Should I add a heater to the container of live rock? Plus should I use straight dilluted vinegar or water it down a bit (say 1 to 10 like I read for cleaning glass tanks)? Also how long should I soak it in vinegar? wayne
  9. Have a question. What is needed to prepare, keep, cure live rock now for future use? I would like to have available a large quality of active live rock to use when I'm able to set up my 120g and hopefully avoid some of the headaches involved with algae, nitrate/nitrites, etc. problems that I had when I set up my 29g bio. Also still have the holy rock that was the cause of the 29g crashing the first time. I like the shape of it and hope to use it in the 120. What can I do to deaden it to get rid of the algae spore (?) and recure it? I realize it will probably be best to isolate it initially. thanks, wayne
  10. I also agree that it is easier or at least as easy to mix 40 gal of saltwater as it is to mix 4 gal. I've gone thru the same pros and cons and decided that I needed to get a RO/DI unit. The time and gas money involved alone with mixing 10 - 4 gal containers vs one 40 gal container would more then pay for the RO/DI unit in a couple of months, not to mention the salinity consistency of mixing a large batch of your own saltwater Note: the reason I quote 4 gal instead of the 5 gal a container holds is that 4 gallons is a lot easier for me to lift and carry plus it provides a gallon of space to add RO water if I miscalulate a bit on the amount of salt I added, so as to bring the salinity down. On the con side: initial outlay of funds for larger containers, heater, pump, etc. wayneb
  11. Dena, I had thought about asking you to do so, but was wavering a bit about getting more zoas. Then a few minutes ago my financial adviser and accountant gave me the okay to go ahead. And of course being a very happily married man I always listen to her (lol). wayne
  12. Have to add my thanks from both the wife and I. We enjoyed it and look forward to the next one. Thanks, Wayne and Lynn
  13. Yep, gave me an excuse to get away from the house for awhile. Plus I think the kitchen installation team was grateful for a respite from a nervous homeowner. wayne
  14. wayneb

    Am I Nuts?

    Keep asking, they're helping me too. wayneb
  15. tried again and it said 'no new messages'? Looks as if it will be easier to go to your place around 12-1 tomorrow. wayne
  16. Just tried to PM him, but the messenger said 'no more contacts'?. If vwmike is up and reading this, please PM with a time and your address that would be convienent for you. wayne
  17. The southern pickup sounds even better - again time and place. wayne
  18. I'm up to meeting you at RCA or swinging by your home tomorrow, name a time, name a place. Should be able to get away for a couple of hours, if I promise to take the wife out to lunch or dinner. wayne PS will pick up my Spectrum fish food too.
  19. After some excellent feedback from Mitch, if someone wants to start a BRS group buy - I'm in for about $150 or so (after the 14th). wayneb (just realized today is the 15th-)
  20. Wife and I will be there. wayneb PS, thank your wife for us.
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