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Posts posted by achen

  1. I've been wanting to get an Apex controller for awhile now and I think it's time. After looking at the different controllers, I think the Apex Lite is probably enough for what I need.

    It's a long shot but anyone looking to upgrade and want to sell their Apex Lite? :-)

  2. I'm not sure what specie it is since it came with the tank when I got it a long time ago. It have survived a long time and I hate to lose it even though it's nothing fancy. The stuff that's coming out is like white and filmy. It looks like smoke when it is release.

    It hasn't deflated completely I don't think. Like I said before, I have seen it shrink down when it got too much flow. The water it's in now is all mirky so I'll need to replace the water and then try to take a picture. I can see the mouth open pretty big so that doesn't look good.

    I'll try to upload a picture but I always had a hard time getting pictures here.

  3. I had it in my tank for several years now. The only recent change I made was an addition of a small pump for more water flow. I noticed recently it was shrinking and wasn't as spread out like it used to be. I have seen it do this before when it's in a higher flow area. So I thought it would just stay smaller and adjust to the new flow.

    So this is a surprise to see it react this way. 

    I currently have it in a bucket with a small pump for flow. It still looks like it is continuing to spew stuff into the water. I'll try changing it and see if it will stop.

    Anything else you think I should try?

  4. I need some help/advice. I came home today and noticed that my tank was very cloudy. I noticed my big mushroom anemone was spewing out nasty looking film. I immediately took it out of the tank and did a water change. I tank looks okay this morning and I don't think anything was severely affected.

    The big question is, is my mushroom anemone on its way to anemone heaven or just something it did not like. Can it be save?


  5. I used a retrofit kit from nanocustoms.com for my Nano Cube 12G but I would check out the lighting forum on nano-reef.com. I read through tons of LED DIY threads with pics and instructions there if you need some tips. Good luck!

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