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Posts posted by achen

  1. Happy holidays everyone. I torned down my tank earlier this year and just getting around cleaning up the garage.

    I got a 5 stage RO/DI system from Fountainhead (local company) for anyone who wants it. It has a TDS meter, pressure gauge, pressure booster and a 32 gallon bucket with float valve installed.

    The last time I used it in June, it has a 0 TDS reading. Filters are about a year old but still seems to be working. You can replace it if you want.

    I'm up in NW Austin. Message me if you want it.



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  2. Updated list - 6/16/2023

    Leaving the hobby (for the time being) and need to get these out ASAP.

    If you or someone you know want to get a good start in this great hobby, I got a deal for you!

    For $750, you can have everything listed here and anything I can gather that is still in storage. 

    Prices below are for individual items if you are interested in only a few things.

    Everything works and have been clean as best as I can.


    Innovative Marine Nuvo AIO 20G Peninsula - $200.00    Include MightyJet Controllable DC Return Pump, multiple glass cleaner, mesh screen lid, filtration caddy, cleaning kits, and a bunch of extras

    Neptune APEX EL     $300    with EB8 and not EB832
    AI Nero 3 Powerhead    $100.00 - Programmable with AI app
    Aqamai KPS Wavemaker Pump    $50.00    Programmable with Aqamai app

    AI Prime 16 HD LED Reef - Black    - $70.00    - replaced fan and screen 
    AI Prime 16 HD LED Reef - Black    - $70.00    - replaced fan and screen
    AI Prime Mounting Bracket (2)    $20.00/each        

    Milwaukee Digital Refractometer    - $50        
    Hanna Phosphate ULR HI774    - $30    include 3 HI774-25 reagent boxes    
    Hanna Alkalinity HI775        - $30        
    BRS Frag kit - $20 includes 5" BRS Coral Bone Cutter, Large Curved Blade SPS Coral Cutter, Coral Hemostat - Curved        

    $5 each if you purchase anything above. Otherwise $10 each:

    Tunze 5017 Water Level Controller and pump - old but most reliable ATO I've ever use
    IM Gourmet Defroster feeder - good for frozen food

    BRS ROX 0.8 Carbon - 64oz and 0.75lb - full
    Nano Flipper Float
    ATI ICP Water Analysys kit

    Mini Frag Rack (2)
    EHeim air pump 
    AQQA Adjustable Air Pump - New 
    Innovative Marine MiniMax reactor (2) 
    Fish trap
    Prodibio BioKit Nano Reef (2) 

    Items you can request for free if you buy something:
    - Round glass cuvettes from Hanna instruments for Hanna testing devices
    - various hang scrapers and cleaning supplies
    - frag plugs
    - magnetic holders
    - blue filter sheets
    - 5 gallon water jugs

    - 5 and 10 gallon retangular tanks
    - Nano Cube 12G tank, no lid
    - bunch of rocks that can be bleached and re-use
    - anything else i got around - just ask

    Sorry I don't have photos of everything. The tank is being wash so I don't have a picture of it right now. PM me if you want a picture or interested in any of the stuff.

    I am located in NW Austin near RiverCity Aquatics.













  3. As you may know, I'm breaking down my tank after a recent crash. I lost a lot of my corals but some looks like they will pull through with a little love. I was planning on giving it all away to someone who want them but my daughter said she wants to sell her frogspawn. She bought it for $40 when it was only 3 heads but it has grown to about 20 heads. 

    So here's what you'll get for $50:

    frogspawn - ~20 heads 

    assorted zoas - fire & ice, watermelon and one other type

    bubblegum digi frags

    a couple of small orange ricordeas

    some green plating montipora

    Again, this is coming from a recent crash so they may not be in the best of shape but they are worth it if you give them a little love and care. I hate killing anything that can still be savage and the money all goes to my daughter. We worked on this tank together since she was 10.

    It would be nice to get this done today if anyone is interested. I'm in NW Austin and can meet at RCA anytime today.

    My picture taking is horrible but here are a few pictures. You'll see some of the corals if you look back at my fish posting recently.

    Thanks for reading.





  4. I have an IM 20 peninsula so there was plenty of room. They have been in the same tank for over 2 yrs and never any problem. Only recently he has been picking on the clowns who has decided to use my frogspawn as their home.

    My storms are almost 2 inches so almost the same size as the angel. They fight back but he is relentless. I don't want them to get stress out. They are my prized clowns.

  5. Need to find a new home for my cherub pygmy angel since he started bullying my clown pair. They were all in the tank for over 2.5 years. I guess he has gotten bigger and meaner now.

    Healthy, active and about 2".  In a fish trap at the moment.

    Asking $25. Can meet at RCA or mutual location.

    Will donate to RCA this weekend if no taker.



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  6. I was wondering how everyone tank did through this week. My son and I took turn soaking a glass jar with hot water in the tank to keep the tank around 76-78 degrees. We did it around the clock for 3 days. Most of the corals seems to be ok but did notice some tissue deterioration on my frogspawn. 

    Hoping the best to everyone and their tanks.

  7. Hi everyone,

    I am looking to find a new home for my beloved Black Ocellaris pair. They are a mated pair and have been laying eggs consistently the past 4-5 years. It has been a joy to watch my kids see their little babies transform in little clowns. Unfortunately they are getting big and really deserve a bigger tank. I have not have any health issue with them. They get fed TDO pellets and frozen foods.

    Momma is a little over 3" and easily doubles the size of Daddy fish. Asking $45 for the pair. Willing to consider trade for LPS or easy SPS. Just really want a good home for them.

    PM me if interested.

    Thanks for looking.


  8. Recently merged a couple of tanks into one and got a bunch of orange ricordea (green mouth) separated from a large rock I wasn't using. Most are glued to rubbles. Most rocks have 2-4 rics on them. I have a few singles that are not glued to anything.

    Asking $20/mouth.

    Take care.





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  9. Hi everyone,

    I recently got an ICP kit from icp-analysis. It included two vial so I decided to send in a sample of my tank water and the RO water I usually get from RiverCity Aquatics. I got the results back today and to my surprise, the Phosporus was 0.16ppm (tank water) and 3.37ppm (RO water). That's not a typo. I shows 3.37ppm.

    I have been trying to get my PO4 lower in my tank but did not even think it could be coming from the RO water. Could the water from RCA be this bad?

    I don't have an RO/DI system so I have been relying on water from RCA for water changes and top-off. This is very concerning.

    The tank is an IM 20 peninsula. I change about 10-15% weekly and don't feed an excessive amount (2-3 times a day but just a pinch or a little frozen each time). I have been putting in GFO for 24 hrs, test and remove it. It would go down but would immediately start creeping up when I check again after 24 and 48 hrs. My PO4 is around 0.9 according to the Hanna checker. It would go down to about 0.65 after 24 hrs with GFO. Once I remove the GFO, it would slowly start creeping back up...about 0.1 each day.

    Aside from getting a RO/DI system, what are my options at this point?

  10. I think this is a good idea. I have a rotifers culture going that is use to feed my baby clowns. No babies to feed at the moment but I plan on keeping the small batch going. I take a little out every night and dump it into my tank. Everyone is welcome to it if you need it.

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