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Posts posted by diabeetus

  1. woah! you moved waaayyyy south. you never got to see my rock wall! how did the move go? my tank is awesome! everything is going as planned. i have 1 fish in there right now. rock wall is the way to go. i love the openness of the tank. 72g would be awesome to have that done to

  2. looks awesome! im learning about keeping some different kinds of sea grasses and planning on setting up a mix of oar grass and reef. kinda like what your 90 looks like.

    very nice


    I try to keep oar grass but not easy

    My fish like to eat :wacko:

    what is an easy grass you tried to keep?

  3. i made a bowfront canopy for a couple of my tanks using bendable plywood. but if you wanted to match your stand with angles instead of a perfectly round front, then i would not recommend it. what kind of look are you going for?

  4. welcome to ARC! how long has your tank been cycling? do you have any live rock in there? usually the cycling process takes about 4 weeks so after that period of time i would get your water tested to see if youre ready to add anything yet

  5. a lot of macros are going to be out of stock this time of year because of the cold weather, your best bet would be to find people on here that have some to give up. i know there are plenty of people that have dragons breath in their tanks.

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