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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. diabeetus

    close up and personal

    wow!!! this is the coolest pic ever!!!!!
  2. sorry please move to the non-reef related For Sale section
  3. Hey I have a 55 gallon tank that is part freshwater and part land. I keep a Chinese Floating frog, a red-eyed tree frog, 2 crested geckos, and 2 newts in it which all come with it. It has a stand, light with UV bulbs, red night lights, fogger, filter, everything you could need. All the things in it eat crickets and there are also some feeder fish and ghost shrimp in it which the newts occasionally eat. Asking $600 for everything. It is an awesome set up and the animals are fun to watch but I am moving and don't think it will fit in my new apartment as well. I will be willing to part out but will of course consider offers for everything first. The picture I posted of the tank is when I first got it, it now has bark covering the back glass and some other stuff, I will try to get a recent picture posted soon as well as pictures of the newts and my other frog. Thanks :]
  4. heb has a 6" clip on fan for like 7 dollars. worked wonders on my 29, 46, AND 90g. chillers are toooooo expensive
  5. WHERE are you going, young man??!!??!! actually im going to be closer to you than ever!! were moving in to the IMT Anderson mill apartments right up the street from you
  6. any luck selling the whole thing?
  7. i had a rock with the same anemones on it from the coast and it had roughly 30 nems on it but i only wanted one so i took it to RCA. he sold it for 40 (supposedly ) and i only got 20 so for 6 nems, 20+ dollars is awesome!! i wish they gave me more for 30 rock anemones GGRRRR haha
  8. i love the blue spot jawfish, but i am moving soon and need to save some money for now. that is definitely the best deal on that particular jawfish that i have ever seen tho
  9. thats a great deal for a blue spot jawfish!!!! holy crap!
  10. woah!! youre on the wrong forum for that
  11. now that my nem got all settled in and is happy, it decided to split!!! wooo!! what is it supposed to look like? at first they looked weak, like they had just pooped and were deflated, but they seem to be bubbling back up. the only thing is, they are not in a full circle yet. one is just about fully connected all the way around, but the other one still looks like it has a ways to go. both look healthy tho. they both ate when i put some meaty food in there
  12. isnt my interest enough by itself???? haha!! jk, but seriously.. isnt it?
  13. why is no one on past 3am like me? seems like there should be more people on earlier in the morning :P

    1. mcallahan


      I'm up every 2 hours and usually drop in here as the baby is nursing.

    2. Melissa


      or later at night lol. I was a night owl before I had to change my shift at work. Now 1am is usually my weekday bedtime :D

    3. diabeetus


      haha :P i dont know why, but i cant goto sleep early anymore. i goto bed early in the morning and get up some times very early, but usually not until like 10 AM

  14. oh my gosh!!! i want that jawfish!!
  15. daaaang, i want the jawfish, but i know youre not parting out..yet
  16. are the lights retrofit? and how long are they?
  17. i am interested!! let me know please
  18. to post pictures on here, you just have to click, next to post, "use full editor" and there is a button at the bottom of that that says attach file.
  19. whole tank set up still for sale!! new lower price!! $200
  20. SOLD!!! thanks for everyone who inquired about this fixture
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