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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. traded 4 what? i will check RCA and Aquatek today. why does everyone have to open so late??? 11? lets try 8
  2. if you have any of the above available, let me know!! im looking for 1 fighting conch 5+ cerith snails 5+ nerite snails
  3. bucket..tank.. whats the difference? i put a sheet of plastic down and when it is full of water, i pull the plastic out. the dinner plate thing sounds easier tho
  4. I am on Parmer and Anderson mill Rd. i will be available tomorrow if you would like to come get it.
  5. yeah, its the same stuff, but it looks different than what we had in the past from all the new growth on it. you can see the tiny hair looking stuff branching off? thats super sonic growth at its finest i have some that is not in a lot of light and its not as "hairy" but its fatter. the stuff that has been growing in the light like crazy is skinnier and has tiny new branches growing (the hair)
  6. it grows really fast in both mine and my dads tank. i have t5 and he has metal halide. i think you will have no problem growing it
  7. skimmer, wave maker, purple up all pending
  8. Here are some corals im selling, trying to make some room in the tank: small cluster of mint green palys (about 20 heads) $10 large colony of pink clove polyps 100+ polyps plus live rock $30 20 stalks of pulsating xenia $25 nice amount of dragons tongue macro algae $10
  9. I have a few things i have been meaning to get rid of lately, as it is all building up in my tiny little apartment. there is also some coral I'm selling in the livestock section here is what I've got: EVERYTHING IS IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION 1x AquaC Remora nano (w/out pump) awesome skimmer for 5-30 gallons! $45 you can use any of the maxijets to pump this skimmer!! MJ 400-1200 1x 75g-90g dimension tank canopy (48"x 18") $50 2x BRAND NEW never been used 48" reflectors from Reef Geek. got them and never used them $10 for both
  10. had a nice 5 hour football game at Cedar Park HS field. im so sore!! darn these plastic hips!!

  11. i would say yes, it is safe t put into your tank. make sure you get all the dead organic matter (DOM) off of it by rinsing it off and maybe setting it out in the sun for a bit. as for the maroons, i think it just depends on what other fish you put in with it. my dad has one that is super cool and doesnt bother anything. i have seen others that are the same way, but i have read that they can be aggressive as well..
  12. its possible that you have several asterinas if you have seen one, because they split pretty much everyday. some are harmless. i have tons of them, but they rarely get on my glass and never eat my corals. i would leave it unless you start to see them eating corals, then i would get a harlequin shrimp to eat them all up
  13. if i throw away this rock i prety much wont have any rock worth keeping i think i would rather spend a little money and keep my beautiful rock, then throw it away. i will see how cheap i can find some purple epoxy putty, if not, just some regular stuff from HD or blowes
  14. epoxy putty! thats what i was looking for. i couldnt remember if it was caulk or what. thanks! can i get that at rca? or where?
  15. which shrimp ate the snail? the red one or the tiny one? if it grabbed a snail, then its probably not a copepod. hopefully not a mantis, but it would be cool if it was
  16. i recently [thought] that i successfully removed all my pulsating xenia, but a few weeks ago i noticed tiny little heads popping back into action. i have been meaning to do something about it, but never did.. until now. i am only noticing it in one area, so hopefully i did kill it in the other areas. (lets hope) my question is what kind of caulking (reef safe) should i use to cover it up and suffocate/kill it? i have read that people have done this for an easy-out. or if not caulk, what? thanks, Corey
  17. welcome!! how small was the shrimp-like creature? it could be a copepod which would be the opposite of bad they help clean the tank, and are a good snack for some fish ( one being a mandarin )
  18. isnt this because they are ultimately inbred?
  19. Heh...and we have a border collie/blue heeler mix. Exceedingly smart dog...has us trained very well. Very lovable dog, but the cat hates him. As a herding dog he believes it's his job to herd the cat into the "proper" areas of the house. As far as room to roam and play, he's a bit odd. He'll tell us when he wants out, he'll go run a lap of the back yard (which is pretty small) and then be ready to come back in and lay down. haha my collie mix walks over to the door and sits. then will ever so gently tap his nose to a little bell we have set up on the door handle when he wants to go out. he is a very active pup but luckily i love to do stuff too so i have no problem taking him out wherever i go. like to the beach this weekend! he loves it!! and at 14 weeks old when we got him, he was already house trained. this is my second border collie mix and im not sure ill ever NOT have one.
  20. finally got photoshop!!! now my tank looks like yours!!!! hahaaaa :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. diabeetus


      haha downgrade from what??

    3. caferacermike


      From what your tnak looks like to what the rest of our tnaks look like.

    4. diabeetus


      well, i just want to be hip. you know

  21. cory, that would be a perfect first tank for you! i had a bocube for one of my first tanks, and it was my absolute favorite tank! i hope you get it!!
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