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Everything posted by thedude

  1. I'll give you $200 dollars for the crappy car in your garage
  2. thedude

    ARC salt

    Yes I run a LFS so I get all my salt from secret LFS salt mines. Seriously though, I don't consider Tropic Marin to be a "premium" salt but have been impressed with its batch to batch consistency. I had no problems when I used instant ocean except for low magnesium and my seachem experience was bad. One thing I think puts Tropic Marin above all the rest is their essential element concentration. They put every essential element present in NSW into their salt and I for one, think it helps. John
  3. thedude

    ARC salt

    We switched our whole operation to Tropic Marin and have had excellent results with it. Very consistent batches, good mix time, and great coral growth. I personally at home use Tropic Marin Pro Reef as I run a calcium reactor. HTH, John
  4. The only thing I can see is to monitor your phosphate. With increased feedings, phosphate goes up.
  5. Yes Elimi-Aptasia or whatever it is that Tropic Marin sells flat out sucks. You have to inject the anemones base with the liquid. Don't know if you've noticed, but they don't like being stabbed with a needle and tend to retract into a spot you can't inject them.
  6. No way that's true. They have a lifespan way closer to one year in a tank because they are never collected at zero days old.
  7. In my experience, it's more like $170.
  8. If I had to do my first 20L over again, I'd use Tunze 6025 nano streams for powerheads, and T5 lighting.
  9. Halides over my tank and he's just fine. I suck at taking pictures but let's see if Greenmako will share the pictures he took of his. Yo Brian post your pics haha!
  10. I have to tell you Mark, these fish are WAY hardier than blue spots. One of the wholesalers walked me through how they get blue spot jawfish... It basically involves a truck (read pickup truck) driving in from Baha, and dropping off some fish.
  11. Stephen, Awesome! I cannot wait to see what you find out! John
  12. No, same family as a sixline
  13. Clayton is definitely selling dendros and they're gorgeous. As others have said, much larger sun coral that feeds during the day. John
  14. I got one of these for my tank today and I have to say, coolest fish I've had in a long time. Great personality, ate out of the bag, watches me from inside the tank! I could not be happier with this fish!
  15. Tank SHOULD be here next week. No in all seriousness Clint's tank is being assembled as we speak. With the cold weather, the dry time of the silicone is taking much longer than usual. AGE will not ship out a tank that hasn't cured sufficiently.
  16. I don't know if I'll ever stock a system like zeovit or System Reefresh. The niche of hobbyists willing to take on the extra maintenance required with it is very very small. I'll have to make some kind of crazy zeovit tank in the future to truly understand what I'm dealing with THEN get people excited haha
  17. So I'm still essentially using this filtration method. I zone in and out of how much time I want to spend on my tank at home and so does how much the tank gets dosed. I will say that my phosphate goes down significantly when I am dosing. The bacteria I'm feeding also eat phosphate apparently. Also, I wouldn't need to run ozone because when the bacteria swing in, the water could NOT be more clear. One thing that is interesting to note is that all kinds of life is growing on my live rock. I have never had this vast a collection of sponge in any tank ever maintained by me. Also, my corals didn't really suffer when I stopped dosing (and started dosing... then stopped again... then dosed a day etc...). It definitely helps the tank when I do dose on a regular basis, but it also doesn't get the tank when I get busy which is a huge plus to me.
  18. That is a dolomite supplement under the more impressive name "ZEOMAG" haha, and that is what I was talking about. The only other company I know of that makes one is fauna marin. It can be found here: This one is called... get ready... ULTRA Mag http://www.aquariumobsessed.com/mm5/mercha...gory_Code=FM-WC
  19. No, the 12k is a bluer bulb, resulting in less par getting to the corals. The energy of the bulb is less, but it also has more blue light (460nm range). David from Coralvue said the difference in PAR between the 12 and 10k is about 25%. I run the 12k on what's basically a 58.
  20. Supposedly comes out late March but I wouldn't hold my breath. I would imagine at least June before you're able to get your hands on one. If you are serious about getting one the fastest possible way is to get on the list at Aquatek.
  21. Why not put Hydor FLO's on the output of the maxijets and really make some random current. http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewItem.asp...product=HD01401
  22. Lee, Why not just stick with nanostreams? When the 6055 comes out, you'll have a controllable one to pulse at your other non pulsing ones. The problem you'll run into with any of the big streams is they'll dig a trench in your sand most likely. That being said if you do want to try a large stream, the 6000 is probably your best bet. John
  23. I've run both the 10k and 12k in DE 250w. The 10k was brighter, but the colors of my corals seemed washed out the farther down the coral I went. With the 12k, it isn't as bright but I'm much more pleased with color. I also supplement with (2) 24" T5 true actinics. John
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