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Posts posted by Tavio

  1. I was loosing my mind for a sec there. Had to throw in Finding Nemo real quick to double check. What chu talking bout willis, when that thing opens up its like a sexy bowl a Jello. A bowl of Jello BOB might find attractive I might add.

  2. Well,.... thats exactly what I did, but not really. ripped out the fake wall and all the plumbing back there and left the chambers on the left. I plumbed 2 returns from pvc . 1 Return on the left y'd w/ loc line brought down and across the tank to the bottom right for another return w loc line. Ill post pics soon. I didnt think it came out to bad.

  3. They can be pretty lethal. I heard of a story where a man was stung by a lionfish doing his routine cleaning and almost died his his wife not found laying by the living room couch. I dont THINK the hospitals can do much for you if anything at all. That I know of soaking your body part in hot water (as hot as you could handle it w/o burning yourself) is the way to break those toxins down.

  4. I have a mag that I dont need after all. Its pretty much brand new I only used it once for not even 2 days to test run a tank. A little to strong for what I need. Askin $50 for it.

  5. Hey Bill, that 55 gl JoseZ is talking about is at the shop (RCA) if you want to take a look. It holds water and its in pretty good shape. Glass is pretty thick glass too.

  6. Thanks Guys. Yea I had considered a different skimmer but the whole thing really wasn't all that well thought out. It was just an idea tumbling in my head that got thrown into play. At first I was just going to set up a 10 gl w/ an Aqua Clear but did'nt like the idea of somthing so simple, that and i was trying to stay away from things poking out of the back or the top of the tank. I was also scared of drilling so many holes in the tank. I keep telling myself I'm not going to overstock the tank in hopes that I wont need a new skimmer. Those are some good suggestions though, thanks Will.

  7. Hey Guys, (for those who know me) I not to long ago decided to take a break from the hobby. I knew it would'nt last to long before I would decide to get back in. I've been working on a little project for the the past few months, just a little something to scratch that little itch. I picked up a 30 long and build an intergrated biological filtration system into it. I guess kinda like a Bio Cube. A few details about the tank. To the left are 3 chambers, First: overflow chamber where I'll drop my media( sponge, live rock, charcole, ect..) Second: is where ill be dropping in the skimmer and or heater. Third: made for the return pump and also the top of chamber. The back of the tank is where I plumbed 2 SCWD wavemakers for the return. In the tank are 4 1/2 in Lok Line flares and a little see thru chamber in the middle of the tank. Just wanted to get yall's opinion. I've never done anything like this before so dont be too harsh. Thanks for looking.










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