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Everything posted by fishypets

  1. How long had it been since your last water change? You may have added a trace element back into your system that was deficient previously. I perform bi-weekly water changes of 15% to add back the trace elements more frequently.
  2. Here are a few tanks running a good quality T5 fixture with out overdriving the bulbs. http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2008-07/totm...s/ftsMAINsm.jpg
  3. Overdriving a T5 is not necessary if you buy a good fixture with good reflectors. ATI is one of the best and there are two tanks on R.C. that have won TOTM using this fixture. Every day people are making the switch from 400W M.H. to a high output T5 fixture and are reporting they're "bleaching" their sps corals because they didn't properly acclimate to the new light. Until you see for yourself how powerful a good T5 fixture is, it's hard to believe. I'm personally experiencing how many benefits of T5 lighting and so are my corals.
  4. The shortest ATI fixture made is a 24" but I'm sure you can get a good quality fixture that's a little shorter.
  5. Also with T5 lighting you get a very even spread of spectrum across the tank so you're not getting shaded sides of the coral. Although they do put off quite a bit of heat some of the high end fixtures incorporate active cooling fans with switch able speeds. My chiller comes on once a day around 7p. for about 30 minutes. I estimate my tank cost about $35.00 a month to run in electricity. Not bad eh?
  6. Okay for comparasion here are two tanks that have measured PAR. The first tank was running a 10x54W ATI fixture and the second tank was running 1200W of M.H. lighting plus VHO tubes. You can see pound per pound T5 lighting is far more powerful. 540W of T5 1200W of M.H.
  7. Actually a good T5 fixture is far more powerful than any MH bulb. The only down side to T5's is you don't get the shimmer but after that T5's will grow any coral/clam at any location in your tank. I've actually burned corals that came out of a tank running 4X400W M.H. that were at the very top of the tank they came out of. There's a ton of people jumping ship and making the switch from M.H. to T5's and never looking back. One of the first things they comment on is how they ended up burning coral because they didn't take underestimated how powerful the fixture was and didn’t acclimate/adjust properly.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/Blue-Ring-Octopus-Live...%3A1%7C294%3A50
  9. What you have there is Cyano and I'd pull the dead coral out asap.
  10. What a sweet deal! Wish I needed a new skimmer, I'd be all over this.
  11. What if you pull out a plug and there's only three on it? Do we still have to pay the min?
  12. Sorry I missed the under $100.00.......Nevermind on the R.D.
  13. If you want a pump that is dead silent, consumes almost no energy and runs very cool look into the Red Dragon pumps. I have one for return and one running my skimmer and they're freaking awesome!
  14. I'll give you one hundred million dollars for that chalice.
  15. Sorry it should've been AEFW-Acro Eating Flat Worms.
  16. I really don't care about your fish, but how about a frag of that chalice?
  17. More corals lost to AEFW Acro Eating Flat Worms or also know as SOB'S Tyree purple monster Red and Blue table (John aka the Dude actually killed this one for me ) Tubs mystic blue
  18. My favorite of all time, yellow Vanautu Tort (lost to AEFW) Lost this giant piece of the "Texas Purple Monster" when a leather coral died in my tank while I was in Jamacia in 05 OBT- lost to AWFW also
  19. Nice Blastos and Acans Laura. Looks like you've been a good mama!
  20. Someone mentioned that the rainbow acans like shade so I moved all mine to the back of the tank behind the rock work. The new location also allows me to "target feed" at one time. The two left in the front row came from the Dome last week. What a deal!
  21. And thanks for the compliments!
  22. They ranged from $90.00 to $250.00 for the black and white one. I was out there yesterday and he still had some.
  23. I'd like three polyps please.
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