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can anyone give me some suggestions on a clean up crew for my 29g biocube...i want a mixed reef but mostly sps and lps so i dont want anything that will eat my coral...please..any info on what and how many will really help me cause im lookin to making a trip to austin and picking up my CuC..thank you

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  1. coral banded shrimp
  2. cleaner shrimp
  3. peppermint shrimp
  4. hermit crabs
  5. emerald crabs
  6. porcelain crabs
  7. nassarius snails
  8. turbo snails
  9. astreia snails

There are many more but these are the most popular I think. I'm not sure that you can get a cleaning crew package at any of the stores, I could be wrong. I ordered mine online at www.reeftopia.com but their package deals may be bigger than you would need. Try ebay, you can get nassarius snails cheap. I have ordered them several times b/c my puffer loves them but they are great for cleaning the glass. If the tank is new then make sure there is something for them to eat before you buy. I would stay away from the shrimp until the tank is completely cycled, they are sensitive.

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the tank is done cycling and i did a waterchange...i just have a diatom bloom and i am also getting green hair algea on the rocks sticking up..so i did a water change hoping to deprive the diatom bloom of its nutrients and maybe it will start to dissappear...but a cuc would be nice to have at the moment..i want a peppermint shrimp cause i have 4 aptasias that i can see in the rocks..maybe he will eat them..if not ill have to get me some aptasia x

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If you already have aptasia I would get some aptasia x and just deal with those 4 now before they become 40. From what I have read is that peppermint shrimp only eat baby aptasia. Whatever you do don't try and scrape them off or stress them, they will release babies. For aptasia x use the supplied syringe to gently drop some in the aptasia's mouth. It will slowly close over it b/c it thinks its food. It isn't poison, it actually just dries in the mouth and it can't eat anymore, sometimes it takes a few tries to get rid of them.

here is a link for some snails that I would highly recommend http://cgi.ebay.com/100-Saltwater-Nassarius-Snails-Detritus-Scavengers_W0QQitemZ320471243051QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item4a9d93192b


These snails hide in the sand until night time when they come out and clean the glass. If some food hits the sand they will appear, eat the food, and then dissapear again!

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