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Tank Placement


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Everyone knows I'm looking for a larger tank. Once that happens I'll have to put the thing somewhere.

Actually the spot is easy. The question I have regards how far from the wall it should be placed. Too far out and it looks silly. Too close and it seems like maintenance could be a real pain.

Where's the sweet spot?

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All I can say is that check to make sure you aren't crooked against your wall!

Call it a rookie mistake, or the excitment of setting up your first salt water tank, but mine goes for 2.5 inches from one corner, to 5.5 inches from the wall from the other.


Tank is also slightly off on the stand itself. Guess it's staying that way until the unforeseeable future. It's too heavy to worry about now! =)

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It's definitely helpful to be able to reach behind, particularly if you're going open top or if you're using a hood that is open in the back.. I've had to rescue several fish that jumped during acclimation, overshot the water, and ended up on the floor behind the stand. Alternately, if you want more room to work without it looking silly, I've seen some setups where they put a bookshelf or cabinet beside the tank that can hide the space between tank and wall, but can be moved out of the way easily if you need to get into that space.

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All I can say is that check to make sure you aren't crooked against your wall!

Call it a rookie mistake, or the excitment of setting up your first salt water tank, but mine goes for 2.5 inches from one corner, to 5.5 inches from the wall from the other.


Tank is also slightly off on the stand itself. Guess it's staying that way until the unforeseeable future. It's too heavy to worry about now! =)

I made the same mistake, except mine is less obvious, ~1.5-2" off.

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It's definitely helpful to be able to reach behind.... I've had to rescue several fish that jumped during acclimation, overshot the water, and ended up on the floor behind the stand.

Bingo. I say 4-5". I had to rescue 2 firefish and they would have been history if I couldn't have reached behind my tank.

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