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I like to get the magazines for the ads and pictures, and I do see articles occasionally that have good or new content, but I would recommend paying the $25 to become a premium member to Reef Central (that way you can do searches). It's generally the first place I go to look. Marine Depot has a pretty decent forum as well, and there are others too.


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Here are three free online periodicals: Reefkeeping Magazine is monthly (although they've recently switched to a blog style - don't know if that's permanent or not). RK runs the gamut from complete noobie articles to fairly advanced, and they've got eight years' worth of archives online as well. Advanced Aquarist leans toward the hard-core, scientific mindset, and they also have years of back issues archived online. Manhattan Reefs puts out a quarterly e-zine that I just found earlier this month. It's relatively new, and not all of the archive links work, but it's put together well and more middle-of-the-road in its approach.

Coral Magazine is the main printed mag that lots of folks get. It's bimonthly, and it's pretty much the gold standard. There's a new one called Reef Life Magazinethat's also bimonthly and has decent buzz in the forums, but I've not seen it personally.

Hope that helps!


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