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Acrylic Fish traps or small custom acrylic work


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You tell me what type of fish you want to trap and I can build you a custom sized trap for it. $40 + material cost (usually 11 dollars) per trap. I make two types of traps that I found work well. One with a hinged door and the other with a pull down door. They are both fishing line driven manual traps but work much better than the store bought traps I have tried. I can also do small tanks or other acrylic projects that you desire like manderin motels etc. Here are some examples

Fish trap freshly used.


Small pico tank with 1/2" "view" plug top.



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I like to put a food that sinks behind the little ledge there in the back of the trap. I have found salmon roe to work really well. Fish swims in and you pull the string, door shuts. I have caught wrasses, angel fish, damsels, tangs, shrimp lots of stuff with this trap.

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is this going to be on display or in your cabinet? A 24"x24"x24" would be $35-50 for the acrylic alone (3/8th"). Can you explain the project a little more?

This is for the sump. I basically just want a box that is to a specific dimension so I can maximize the amount of RO water I can store (minimizing the time between refills). I could just buy a simple $20 aquarium, but none of them are sized very well for the cabinet, wasting a lot of space. I would want a top as well to minimize evaporation.

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Yeah I just priced out the material, this is going to be WAY way too expensive in just material cost. E.G. unless you want to spend 100's...Unfortunately, acrylic, its not a viable option for this application. :(

Edited by barderer
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