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Swimming fish?


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I would consider a wrasse, if your tank is cover or has a canopy. Radiant wrasse, Yellow coris wrasse and one of my favorite...the Red Velvet Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus Rubrisquamis). This guy use to flash his colors and show off his fins like clockwork around 6-6:30 pm, when he could see his reflection, he would show off in the front side of the tank.

I thought coris wrasses were not reef safe?

Hmm.. LiveAquaria says:

It will eat fireworms and pyramidellid snails, protecting corals and clams. In addition, it may eat feather dusters, wild shrimp, tubeworms, and flatworms. It may also eat parasites off of tank mates.

I might have to reconsider the one I saw at the Dome, as I have been looking for an active yellow fish.

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Depends on your definition of reef safe. It won't pick on corals, might even help with eating pests. But if it gets hungry it will hunt snails and crabs. My Ornate is in the same category as a Coris. I lose about 1 snail or hermit a month, if that often. It did eat my cleaner shrimp though. Small price to pay for a fish that eats coral predators and is super cool in my opinion.

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Depends on your definition of reef safe. It won't pick on corals, might even help with eating pests. But if it gets hungry it will hunt snails and crabs. My Ornate is in the same category as a Coris. I lose about 1 snail or hermit a month, if that often. It did eat my cleaner shrimp though. Small price to pay for a fish that eats coral predators and is super cool in my opinion.

Good info... thanks! Losing one snail or crab every once and a while is not bad. I probably lose that now in snails with a predatory eunice worm that I have in the tank.

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