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Ultralife Fish Trap


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$15. Do you have a fish in your tank that is impossible to catch? If you want to catch your fish without destroying the rockwork and aquascape in your tank, then get this product. I had a royal dottyback in my tank for many years and he became quite the bully. Because he's so fast, he was impossible to catch with a regular fish net. So I purchased this fish trap just for this little guy and it worked like a charm. After getting used to the trap, he would easily go in and out to eat food. Then I just closed the door and voila! I was so happy to get that bugger our of the tank. Check out this video for how to use a similar trap:


Product Description: "The Trap" will catch and remove unwanted tank inhabitants safely and easily. It makes dismantling your aquarium a thing of the past. Don`t let those shrimp, crabs, fish, eels destroy the beauty and upset the balance of your aquarium. It is made of 100% clear acrylic providing durability and is virtually invisible to the inhabitants of your aquarium.




Edited by mawshi
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