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Any tips for point and shoot?


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Hi all,

Reading through this board I found quite a few tips that can be applied to digital point and shoot.

Pumps off,

Shoot straight through the glass,

Use a top down photo box (obviously for top down shots)

use a tripod

adjust white balance

use of photoshop, gimp or similar

Many of the other tips seem aimed at almost exclusively the SLR digital crowd. (nothing against you guys but between pool, scuba and my tanks my funds don't warrant a spendy camera)

Any other particular tips for the 'low end' camera crowd?

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The problem is that most P & S cameras don't have the extra settings that can help. Many won't let you bump your ISO very high or even do manual settings for exposure. That being said, following the tips above should be a good start. I think the biggest thing with aquarium photography is patience. You have to do all the prep work, ie clean the tank, tripod, pumps, etc., and then wait for the shot if your shooting fish. The great thing about digital though is you can take 100 shots just to get the 1 good one and all it costs you is your time. Another good idea would be to read an article on composition for photography in general. Here is a simple one to start with. Having good composition can make any camera take an awesome shot. HTH

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if you ever need a camera that is inexpensive,but has some manual controls the canon a590is is working pretty well for me.my camera skills are very lacking to say the least,but i am slowly working on that.this camera has shutter shutter priority,aperature priority,and "full manual" settings.the iso can go from auto to 80 to 1600.it doesn't have a lens that will do the super close up zoom shots,but for well under$200 it does a good job.in my opinion

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The nice thing about digital cameras is just that, they are digital. Be using the techniques discribed above shoot lots and lots of pictures. I mean lots. Then just delete the ones you don't like (that is the secrect of the digital slr users and most professionals). By shooting lots of pics and keeping notes you will get a feel of what you can and can not do. Just because you have a point and shoot dosen't mean you can't take awesome pics.

Here is pic taken with our Canon A60 before gettin my DSLR.


Keep on shooting,


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Thanks for all the great info.

I've been tempted to jam my dive camera into the tank for macro shots but am also working on a top down box.

The dive camera was my first big lesson in lots of photos = lessons learned and few good photos.

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Oops! The photo above was not taken with the top down box. The box worked well until a near dunking. I decided that since I needed to leak test my dive camera anyway I took some shots with it.

Taken with a Sea and Sea dx750.


Thanks to everyone of the tips and advice in this and all the boards.



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