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on wall corals


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I used to super glue frags to the wall and when the encrust will then grow all over the glass. Another method is to encase a neo magnet in 2 part putty. Glue the frag to the putty and use a magnet on the other side of the glass to hold it up.

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Superglue sets underwater. You have to use superglue gel. Apply a glob to the coral out of the water and then stick it where you want it in the tank. The glue will skin over when it hits the water and cure pretty quick. When you get it where you want it you just need to press and wiggle the frag to break the skin on the glue and spread it onto the glass (or rock, or anything else). Hold it for a few seconds and it will stick.

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I do my Xenias that way, put the rock next to the wall, making sure the head is touching the glass, and pretty soon, they start creeping onto the glass and eventually split.

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