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F.S. JBJ Ocean Pulse - QUADRA Wavemaker (4 pump Capacity)


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I bought the Wavemaker thinking I could use it with my Koralia power heads but even with the modifications I made to the power heads they still would run backwards. I have only used it for a month.

Paid $68.00 for will sell for $50.00 OBO

Here are the specs:

JBJ Ocean Pulse - QUADRA Wavemaker (4 pump Capacity)

The Ocean Pulse Duo and Quadra are an innovative wavemakers that were specifically designed to replicate the natural alternating rhythms of tides and currents for home aquariums.

These wavemakers instantly create turbulent flow patterns with adjustable alternating cycle times from 10 seconds - 6 minutes. All models are equipped with an adjustable dial(s) for quick and easy set-up for virtually all types of inverts, corals, filter feeders and fish who will gain immediate benefits.

Water movement is vital for the success of invertebrates, animals with symbiotic algae, filter feeders and fish. The natural currents in the ocean bring random flow and wave cycle patterns that provide nourishment while suspending waste particles for filters to effectively trap.

Benefits of Replicating Wave Patterns

Recreating water movement is essential for captive animals within our aquariums for long-term success. By installing the Ocean Pulse Wavemaker you will immediately be rewarded, as you see you aquarium transform into a cleaner, healthier and more natural environment.


• Provides oxygen rich water to entire aquarium

• Provides more stable water temperature

• Creates desirable turbulent flow patterns only found in nature

• Flushes "dead spots" of detritus and accumulated waste

• Increase fish activity

• Stimulates coral and invertebrate growth

• Allows corals amore exposure to light


• Pump capacity: 4 pumps

• Time Range: 10 seconds - 6 minutes

• # of Dials: 2

• Max Amps per Socket: 1.2 Amps / 132 Watts

• Volts/Hz: 110V/60Hz

• Power Consumption: 3 Watts

• Weight: 0.6 lb

• Dimensions: 6.75" L x 1" W x 3.75" H

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I understand they will work with anything except the Korilias.

It will work with any pump - i.e. it will turn on and off the Koralias, and you'll likely get a knocking noise. I've found with my #1 Koralia, it didn't knock hardly at all. As I got higher up in the #'s, the knocking was bad.

Dapettit had a good workaround, but it was quiet enough for his tastes.

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Yes, it kept the detritus moving around so it could get to the sump as well as create an ocean like swell in the tank for the corals (instead of a constant on). This lasted a while until the motors started running backwards. It was the design of the Koralias not the wave maker. I had in the 150 and had the timer set to about a 10 second interval. You can set it up to make an actual wave by using two power heads.

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