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My Anemone Prop Thread


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Ok a little history- TMAC my parents and I decided to give this a try after Anthony's presentation. Actually bought the anemone there from the B and B booth. After about a month and a half I decided it was time to do this. At this point it was slightly smaller than the recommended size(tennis ball size). About one week later each of the two halves had healed up completely. The problem now was that these were smaller and hermits and emerald crabs kept irritating them. There has been little growth since the cut as they have been pretty stressed out. Every contraption I could think of the hermits seemed to wiggle into. Luckily I set up a prop tank about 2 weeks after the first anemone purchase. So this tank has been cycling almost three months now. Yesterday they were moved over to the prop tank which does not have hermits only snails and a damsel.

Things I would do different- Wait until anemone is larger before the cut and not using my display tank for propagation( for me anyways as those crabs gave it a hard time growing).

My next cuts will have to be a month away for growth and to let the anemone adjust to its new tank.

P.S. If anyone knows a good place to get rarer anemones I would appreciate a pm with contact info.

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Okay I'm lost. Could you elaborate a bit on what you did for those of us who didn't see the presentation? Are you just cutting an anemone in half? What type of anemone are you doing this with and were there any specific methods you are following based on Anthony's presentation?

Oh and what is "TMAC"? I'm not up on all the text lingo, or is it an acronym for something else?

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Hey Peeper...

I'm not responding over kkiel, but I also was at TMAC-TexasMarineAquariumConvention that MAAST hosted a couple of months ago in San Marcos. I too have propagted my GBTA by viewing Calfo's demonstration. It really is very simple...I took a well-adjusted green bubble tip anemone out of my tank, placed it on a glass top table, took my sharp scapel and sliced it in 4's. I tried to get a piece of the mouth in every cut. I then dipped it in saltwater for a rinse and placed it back in my tank. I now have 4 healthy GBTA'S!! I have a bare bottom, no live rock tank. My issue is that I am using a BioCube with only PC lighting and they REALLY should have either T-5's or MH's. I am moving them presently. I also have a goldstripe maroon clown which is recommended to help feed the anemone ;-)


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Wow I haven't tried 4s I guess they are all doing good? I picked up a nice neon green lta yesterday so I might give it a try. The tips were a little bleached from shipping but it attached fast and it's mouth is tightly closed so I think it will be fine. If you google anemone prop and go to Anthony calfos threads on reefcentral there is a wealth of info on the propagation of these and other anemones.


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Hey Kevin...

Yes, I tried 4's, but the anemone diameter was approx 3". All is well and they did start to attach after 20-30 minutes. Sometimes they deflate and look nasty, but I read that is the time they are "excreting"!?!?

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Yeah this LTA is alot bigger about 6" so I might cut it in half and then cut one of the halves in half if that makes sense. That way I would have three but if the smaller ones didnt make it I ought to have at least one. So far the rbta have been looking alot better but the tank is getting cyano pretty bad. Our clean up crew is shipping this monday and I am going to do a large water change this weekend. Overall the rbta are looking better since they are not gett harrassed as much and the lta has inflated alot so yeah thats the status as of now. Im not at home but will try and get some pics when I get back, even though the roses are pretty small at the moment.

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Wow! Great job guys. I can''t wait to see the pictures. I saw the presentation and would like to do it some time with an rbta or gbta. Let me know when you are ready to sell one of your clones.

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