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Buying homes...


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I've found a house and agreed with the seller on a price, so barring foundation problems or funding problems (neither expected), I'll have a home for the human folk of the household. I plan on getting a 3' x 4' x 25" tank to feature jawfish, but I need to figure out what to do for Joey. He's my neon velvet damsel fish. I know he's destined to become a fairly big fish and crotchety on top of that.

So how big a tank will he need when he's grown and who could live with his temperament? I need to start planning its location, now that I know what floorplan I'll be working with.


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Well, I think I'm going to go the multiple-tank route. I really like jawfish, but I know that Joey won't be a good tankmate for them. So I plan on getting a long-term home for Joey and then setting up the jawfish tank. From the time I put the jawfish tank in, I expect it will be 6 to 9 months before I'm ready to look for the jawfish themselves.

I don't have any corals at this point. I have a few zoas that came on an overflow box I got from Robert, but everything else is pretty basic, low-maintenance kinds of critters.

So I'll have at least 3 tanks: the current 29 gallon, the damsel tank, and the jawfish tank. So I'm trying to figure out the footprint of the damsel tank so I can think about placement and plumbing and that kinda stuff.

It's much more calming to think about the tanks than to dwell on the terrors of buying my first house.!


PS Andrew, can we tell the spell checker that jawfish and tankmate are perfectly good words?

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