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Fish are dying help!!!!!


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Help all are fish in both tanks are sick. We have already lost 4 fish. At first we thought they had ick, but we are not sure what the problem could be. The corals are all doing fine. The fish are looking as though there skin is peeling and furry looking. Do you have any idea what it could be and what we can add to make them better. I was afraid to add anything that might hurt the corals.

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We checked everything and the only thing that was high was the calcium. Could that be the problem?

Help all are fish in both tanks are sick. We have already lost 4 fish. At first we thought they had ick, but we are not sure what the problem could be. The corals are all doing fine. The fish are looking as though there skin is peeling and furry looking. Do you have any idea what it could be and what we can add to make them better. I was afraid to add anything that might hurt the corals.
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I would test your ro/di to make sure its functioning up to par, 0 tds. Then do a series of water changes. THis is what usually cures problems for me.medications just seem to further stink up the water causing more problems than I had to start with. I have also noted when a med says reef safe it means it will only kill half of your coral

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I would suggest getting the sick fish out and in QT asap. If it is a bad illness, then you don't want to infect your entire tank with it. You need to get these guys out and medicate them. In the mean time, do some water changes on your main tank and watch everyone else in there to see what is going on.

It sounds like you might have a parasite. Did you recently add anything to the tank with out putting it in QT first?

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Water changes always good. peeling skin wow!!! never heard of that!! maybe it just looks that way but it is actually a parasite, add some liquid garlic to thier food (can be bought at fish store) garlic will kill internal and external parisites, but it may be too late, I also like the ideal of moving them to a quaratine tank as well. i really do not know what else to do anyone who has better ideals Please feel free to jump in and correct me. Hope this helps

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something just hit me about what you said!!!!!!!! you said fish IN BOTH TANKS ARE DYING!!! then it would have to be something you put in both tanks unless you transferred fish from 1 tank to the other, also did you recently buy fish from 1 store and put some in each tank? might have bought sick fish

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