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Additional fish?


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Looking for two or three additional fish to add to my new tank which is LPS / zoas. Dims are 36x24x12. Current fish are a pair of clowns, bicolor blenny and a neon dottyback. Need something that'll do well in a shallow tank.


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Tangs get too big and other dottybacks/blennies will fight with the ones you have. That pretty much leaves you with dartfish, damselfish, basslets, gobies, cardinalfish wrasses and clownfish. Wrasses are hit and miss with jumping. I think it has more to do with the environment and less to do with the fish itself. There isn't much risk of jumping if you have a light timer and don't have any habits that scare the fish. Most of the jumpers that I've seen were being bullied or nipped by other fish in the tank. Any of the fairy wrasses would be good. I also like the yellow wrasse. I would avoid the lined wrasses and anything that gets above 5". Blennies can sometimes attack dartfish and gobies so those might be out. A small school of 4-5 cardinalfish can look nice in a medium tank. I really like Royal Gramma for their color and personality. Some clowns tolerate each other and you might be able to drop another pair in there depending on the species you currently have. 




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7 minutes ago, Jimbo662 said:

oh...that wasn't an actual QT...that was a temporary tank...was between the old tank in the 1st floor apt and the new 66g in the 3rd floor apt. it was a frag tank I had borrowed from Pham.

No problem, this is a judgement free zone buddy! RCA started renovating that back room to QT fish. I don't know if they've started yet, but they might be able to order whatever you want and QT them for you. I have to use up my credit with www.bluezooaquatics.com soon and plan to put an order in during the first week of June. It will be free shipping and I don't mind if you want to sneak onto my order. 

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