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Budget Equiptment -- Back in the Game

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I sold my reef setup about 3 years ago.  I figured I've gone long enough without one and I've decided to get back into things. 

I'm going to take my time, read all the builds, threads, etc that I can get my hands on.  I remember some things from my time keeping by 100 gallon setup but most of what i had i purchased was as complete setup to begin with.  The only thing I did DIY was a LED lighting rig from some company whose name I can't remember. 

What I was wondering is if the community could point me in some good directions for what I am looking to do with regards to equipment.  Below is my goal. I'm trying to cut costs wherever possible.

120 gallon 48x24x24 -- i don't mind a DIY build here if anyone knows places to get pre cut acrylic.

Custom built stand and canopy -- I'd like some plans if anyone knows some good ones (I can adjust to size).  I've done a custom stand for an old 55 gallon FW tank i had before but that was awhile ago

Sump -- i wanted to use an old 55 gallon tank or maybe something a tad smaller if that would work.  I've noticed the pre-made sumps are pretty pricey and I can't figure out why its just cut acrylic.  Maybe I'm missing something. 

Lighting -- I'd like to do another custom setup and integrate with my canopy.  I want to be able to grow all types of coral from SPS to LPS  to all the different softies.  Any good DIY companies out there. 

Thanks in Advance.  


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The 120g with that dimension are nice tanks. They come up regularly for around $200-400. There is a rimless 120g in the classifieds right now with a stand for a good price.  

If the canopy look is what you're after then they are pretty easy to build. It's become popular in recent years to have a metal frame built and hang the lights from the ceiling or attached to the wall. Another option is to have a metal rod attached to the tank stand and hang the lights from that. Our professional member NDstructible Welding would be able to build you something like that if you're interested.

I don't believe a 55g will fit under a 120g with those dimensions unless you get a welded stand. The biggest standard tank that you can get under there would be a 40b. Petco used to do $1 per gallon on all Aqueon tanks from 10-55g but they stopped recently and only have that sale up to 29g. They DO have a 50% off sale right now on 40b and 55g. It's not much more expensive and still a good deal. You could buy one tank but I wouldn't spend more than $40. Acrylic baffles can be bought at Lowe's for around $30. 


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Thanks for the shout out Sascha!


Your best bet is to find a used 120 gallon tank for sale on the forums or craigslist. Acrylic is pretty expensive, especially large thick pieces and you'll end up spending more building your own than buying a pre-made tank. 55 gallon long tanks make for awkward sumps, not many people use them for that purpose. Like Sascha said, 40 gallon breeders are more common and easier to work with. 90 gallon is also another common size, but probably wouldn't fit under a 120 very well.


If you want to build your own LEDs again, rapid LED is a company I used 7 years ago to build my own LEDs and I think LED Group Buy as well. Visiting those websites this morning, things certainly have improved in the years since I built my own LED and they have a lot more options available.

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thanks for the comments.  I'm going to check if the 120 in classifieds is still available. seems like a good deal. 


Sounds like 40G breeder is best bet for sump.  thanks for that.  


Rapid LED was who i had used...thanks for the reminder :). I'll go check them out again.  I remember really liking their product. 

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