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112 New Products at ReefCleaners.org :)

John Maloney

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Reef Cleaners now carries an extensive line of dry goods!
This expansion hopefully will allow you to get more value per shipment. We have very competitive prices on Food, Testing Supplies and Cleaning Products. Even better, we are running a 15% off sale to kick off the expansion. smile.png
Use the code "DRYGOODS" (do not include quotes when entering) to save 15% on any Dry Goods Order, Rock and Barnacles Excepted:
New Life Spectrum, Bay Brands, Two Fishes, Hikari, Coral Frenzy, Ocean Nutrition, Polyp Labs and more will ensure there is something for everything in your tank, including both fish and invertebrates.

Cleaning Supplies

Our favorite cleaning products, including the best prices on Flipper, and MagFloats as well as regular algae pads and scrapers.
Testing Supplies
We carry Salifert and API testing kits, to offer you both high quality and good value options.
Sale ends June 26th, 2016 at 11:59pm EST.
Subscribe to this thread for random flash sales, and goofy contests.
Edited by John Maloney
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