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New tank to me


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So I recently acquired my 45g JBJ AIO tank. The Light on the tank was the unreliable JBJ when I got it so I got Victoly's Radion light he had for it. Seems to look good. I am sure it will need to be tweaked still though. When I purchased the tank it originally had quite a bit of rock and the back wall of the tank was full. I recently removed some of this rock as it looked a little crowded. I don't have a recent picture but will try and get one later. It was from my understanding running for the past 6+ months so was already cycled. I just did some water testing and wanted to see what people thought of these results as this is my first Saltwater tank. I wanted to make sure everything looks good. I have not added any supplements at this point as I wouldn't really know what to add. I have had Freshwater tanks for several years though so tank maintenance isn't new to me. I was keeping Discus in a 90g tank and am looking forward to the saltwater world. Please let me know if you think I need to do anything based on the water results. I used brand new Red Sea to do the tests. I did also realize I don't have a phosphate test so will have to look into getting one of those. I only have a clean up crew currently and a couple test frags. I will add a picture later. Let me know if you need any other information. Oh I am currently in Round Rock over by the Dell Diamond.

PH = 8.1

Ammonia = 0

Nitrite = 0

NO3 = 3.5

KH = 7.4

Mg = 1320

Ca = 490

Salinity = 1.025

Not sure if this is the right area to post this to admin please move if needed.

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JUST KIDDING! Fine start, and you got a heck of a light to start with. I love discus tanks. Would love to try one one day. Have any pics of yours? Water tests look about as spot on as you could expect. What kind of tests are you using?

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Using the standard red sea test kits. As for the discus tank i currently only have a single one as i have lost the others to a disease that was introduced at some point. I tried adding some a year or so back but they were all lost in my qt tank. I should have culled them all a while back but I couldnt bring myself to do it. So once this last one goes then i will bleach and start again. However I will stay with a single source instead of mix and match. I will try and get a decent picture of the one I have left.

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very nice. crazy how sensitive they are. If I didn't like plants so much and the temp requirements werent so different, I'd definitely try them out. Though it is always odd to me when people have big discus tanks in their houses with zero substrate or hard scape/plants at all. Just 5 panes of glass, a heater, and filters.

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I have two heaters in the tank....they are set to stay around 84. I also painted the bottom of the tank in order to kind of make it look like sand. I am asked all the time if thats a saltwater fish....you just dont see the colors of discus normally and associate it as fresh water.

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So I have started to slowly add some coral to the tank. Everything appears to be doing fine other than the very first zoas I put in but that was due to me being stupid and screwing up. Luckily it was a tester so was cheap. Anyway got some pictures.









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My neighbors coworker was selling it. So i got first chance he was going to put it on Craigslist if i didnt buy.... only thing i have done is add frags and changed the lights and cleanup crew.

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  • 3 months later...

Been a while since I have updated pictures for my tank. I have started dosing BRS 2 part Alk daily of about 17ml after watching the tank and doing lots of testing. As I dont have a doser yet i am still testing alk daily and thats about the only thing that drops faster. I do dose Ca but dont have to do that much....maybe once a week. It only drops about 20 points. I am starting to see some nice growth on corals so thing everything is adapting nicely. Some of my monti got a bit bleached but they are making a comeback. I adjusted my lights down and redused the whites a bit.



I used my cell phone for the pics so excuse the bad photos.

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

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