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Multiple types of clowns in a 120?


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Does anyone have experience with having multiple breeds of clowns in 1 system?

I have a pair of midnight helmet heads/gladiators that I got from pham and a pair of black snowflake clowns. There is no nems in this tank, but if it would help I can put 2 in there.

Reason for the question is I am selling off 2 tanks but want to keep both sets of clowns if possible. Upgrading my main tank from a 4x2x2 120 to a 4x3x2 180. So everyone will have plenty of room, but one of the pair's is already established in the main tank.

What's your opinion on the situation?

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I would imagine that you can get away with it. multiple anemones would help along with feeing so there is plenty of hosting and less food aggression. I kept a midnight clown with my maroons and had no problems

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I'm more in the doubt it will work group but I think it depends on the clowns. I tried, but can't keep any other clown with my darwin ocellaris pair.

The length still isn't enough to get some good distance between them. If you were able to add them all at the same time it would probably be fine. An established pair may think the whole tank is theirs. Is the established pair hosting something that you could locate far to one side of the tank?

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I have had two pairs in a 4' tank. You have to introduce them at the same time or close enough before they become territorial.

Oscellaris and Percula cannot go together because the Percula will bully the Oscellaris.

Orange Oscellaris and Black Oscellaris can go together

Pink and Orange Skunks can go together, but the orange sometimes bully the pinks.

Skunks can also go with Oscellaris.

Maroon, Tomato and Cinnamon cannot go with any other types of clowns because they are too aggressive.

I don't know about Clarkii or Saddleback because I have not kept these species.

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