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6 or 7 Pieces Of Live Rock - West Austin


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Hey guys,

I tore down my old tank and moved it across the house and turned it into a frag / coral quarantine tank.

Needless to say I didn't need all the rock.

Most of the rock is the overly expensive stuff that the store in town with one employee/owner thinks the best stuff on earth.

I've had it for years. Great coralline growth, no aiptasia/majano, etc...

One piece had a few polyps on it, trash polys though. Might be some emerald crabs, hermits, snails etc... in the rock too.

I only had very dirty water left to keep it submerged. Just needs a good dunk/rinse off. I'm about to hypo my large tank because somehow my Yellow Bellied Blue Tang came down with a few ich spots that lasted a week. Since inverts won't live during hypo, I moved a cleaner shrimp over to the tank this rock came from to save him. If your tank is ich free, I'd let this rock sit for 12 weeks before using to make sure nothing made it through.

Asking $10 (in ones, need to tip the bartenders at Whole Foods) and 1 or 2 big bottles of craft beer of your choice smile.png


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